Chapter 11: Library

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1st POV
Later that day, Sebastian wanted to go see the library. So, I lead him to the library.

"Wow, it's so big" he says out of amazement.

"It is, isn't it?" I softly say to myself.

The library is huge, and the best way to describe it is that it's a mixture of a range of different libraries from fiction. Some examples, is the library in 'A scientific rail gun', the one in Hogwarts and the one in 'No game No life'.

"So, what do you want to know about this room?" I ask, bring him back to reality.

"How do you know where to find things in here? It's so big." He asks, with a slight twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, the library is broken up into sections, and in each section, for the most part, they are ordered by the English alphabet. Though there are some cases, that it's ordered slightly differently if it's in another language, but their isn't really any of those, as of right now." I give a basic overview.

"What are the sections?" He asks eagerly.

"Umm, there's, the 'stories of other realities' section, 'general' section, 'history' section and.. Oh, there's a 'language' section plus the 'movie storage' section." I say, making sure to list them all.

"What are all the sections for?" He asks.

Oh, boy. He's gotten curious and more brave, since his arrival.

I sigh and lead him over to a table. We both sit down before I begin explaining.

"Okay, let's start with the 'general' section, it can be found in the central area of the library and it contains common knowledge, plus other common areas that tend to be shared over different realities..."

"...Next is the 'language' section, it can be found on the front right side of the library, it tends to mix a little with the 'history' and 'general' sections. It is like the title entails, a section about different languages..."

"...Then there's the 'history' section, it's one of the largest sections, or at least it will become one of the largest sections. It's can be found on the right side and the back section of the library, excluding the the back left as the storage for games room is there along with the 'movie storage' section..."

"...The history section is so big as it holds records of the history of both in this Bubble area, that we call home and the outer world, which is basically a replica of the world I grew up in, in my past reality, but 2022 years in the past of the time I left, the Bubble just so happens to be connected to this replica..."

"...The records are constantly growing as history is constantly being made, though because of that fact, the history section tends to be the most unorganised section. Which is why there will be librarians eventually..."

"...The games room, which I just recently mentioned, is a room full of board games and card games, there's also a pool table in there and a large table, which can be used to play the games on. The 'movie' section ties in with the 'stories of other realities' section. So I'll explain them together..."

"...The 'stories of other realities' section, is found on the left side of the library, it as the title entails, stories of other realities. Umm, think of it as, well.. It's written like fiction stories or even fanfics, Umm..."

"...the stories are written according to the plot, main focus character and events that take place in the reality. For example, the reality I'm going to, visit, I guess you could say, the important events there will be written in a book and will appear in this section..."

"Well, actually there is usually more than one book for each reality as I like variety and different points of views. Though only the most polished versions or rather only the important details that relate to the plot will show up in this books..."

"The movies, which can be both movies and can be set up as like a TV series, are the books in the library brought to life. Though since as life goes on in the reality the plot will end up changing a bit, which will mean events from the past that weren't originally there might show up. This makes the books and the stories they hold more interesting as they can change...

"Though once added to these books they are never taken away, which is the main reason, as to why it's so choosy in choosing events. In case you're wondering about the other events that take place, they are also recorded. It's just that they are located in my study..."

"In fact, there's even a movie section in there that holds a complete record of all the events that happen in the reality, minus a few things. Anyway everything here generally has a purpose of some kind. The full records are what allow the stories in here to truely take shape..."

"...Though the ones in my study, are what I will probably call off limits, as it holds basically everything that happens and there are some things that shouldn't be read, especially at your age. Plus they can be like reading the draft of a story, mess like life is, and some event might not seem to add up but are how it actually happened..."

"...Anyway there will be plenty of stories out here if you want to read a bit about what I go through in other realities." I finally finish my explanation, that felt more like a rant.

I take a drink from a water bottle that I like to carry around, as I look over at Sebastian to find he that he looked overwhelmed by the information.

Shoot, I went full Izuku Midoriya rant, on the little guy.

"Oh, sorry. I tend to go into explanations like that with things, I'm either passionate about or know a lot on. Though in my defence, I did try to make it, a very to the point explanation. In fact, I'm a little surprise I didn't get sidetracked not even a little bit." I apologise but it ends up being another explanation.

After that we stay in silence and eventually headed off to have dinner.

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