Chapter 41: Returning To Bridging Reality

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 25

I'm back, it honestly feels weird. I was gone for about 2-3 months and it's been barely a second for Sebastian.

I think as I look around at the my hut.

It feels so weird, I had my memories from any other realities blocked off, or locked up until I returned here. It's like an over flow of memories. Maybe it was good to not stay there as long as I originally was going to.

Sebastian turns from sitting at the table to see my sitting up in the bed, he runs over and sits next to me on the bed.

"What was it like?" He eagerly asks.

"It was, something. It just might take me a bit, before I comprehend everything and can explain it." I say a little dazed.

Sebastian nods in understanding. Before from the other side of my bed, up jumps a full white cat with grey eyes, landing next to me.

"Hello, Notan. I don't think we've officially meet." I say looking at the cat that mildly just scared me.

Notan just looks at me before, "Lady of the house, you don't seem special. Yet, you hold some power here." They state.

Notan is the resident  cat of the Bubble region, they are oddly a non-binary cat but don't mine the he/they pronouns. Usually through the day time they look like this but at night they usually turn into their other colour form, full black and with yellow eyes. Though in the the it just depends on their mood and generally what will help them blend into their environment best.

As seen they can talk but they are quite shy around strangers, so will sometimes refuse to talk because there is someone they don't know around.

I'm honestly a little surprised, that they talked to me. Maybe it's because they knew I spawned them.

Notan was set to spawn while I was away, so the Sebastian wouldn't be lonely and he loves cats.

"I. I have no words for that." I say, processing what they said.

"Anyway, how about we go for a walk?" I break the silence that fell upon us. Sebastian nods in agreement.

I get up and notice that I'm wearing the same clothes I wore before leaving, meaning I didn't have to change to go out into the cold.

We head outside and cross over to the mansion. There isn't a way to get from my hut circle area to the main gardens and other areas, without going through the mansion.

We pass through the main entrance with the grand stairs and down the hallway which passes the kitchen, dining before leading out to the back of the mansion.

Once outside we head down the short staircase off the balcony/landing area thing. Before wondering down the main pathway of the gardens.

"What do you think the reality was like?" I question.

"Well, since you wanted to go there it must have been cool and lots of fun." Sebastian answers.

"It was fun, I think. Though, I wasn't exactly myself." I state.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Think of it like this, I connected to a version of myself and before connecting I had decided that I wouldn't remember anything from any other reality, so that I wouldn't effect the world too much. In doing so, while I'm there I take on the full personality of that me. Of course, I made it so that she had a similar personality in some aspects, in others it depended on her environment." I explain.

"What happens now that you've returned here?" He asks.

"The memories I have of here become more prominent while the other memories from there start to leak out of their temporary box, to become my total memories." I answer.

"Why is there a box?" He questions.

"The box is there so I don't feel so overwhelmed upon returning and let's what happened sink in better." I answer.

"So, that means it will take awhile before you can tell me about the reality?" He questions.

"That's correct, though since I didn't go as long as I planned to and it still rather early in the day, I might have enough by a late breakfast time tomorrow." I state.

"That soon?" He says surprised.

"I believe so, but this is still my first time and it's only a theory. So, we'll just have to wait and see." I say with a smile.

We continue to wonder around the grounds, there always feels like there is a new place to be found and explored. Soon, it was lunch meaning we had to head back to make something.

We ended up having some sausage rolls, by following a recipe. In the afternoon following lunch, was spent in the movie room where I put on My Hero Academia, so Sebastian would have a rough idea what I was talking about when explaining what happened.

We got through to the Sports Festival and stopped, considering it was dinner. We went to go make and eat it before, Sebastian heads off to play with Notan in his room and head to bed.

I make my way back to my hut, to get ready to bed myself.

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