Chapter 2: Rule Book

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^The really rough drawing of the wardrobe without clothes.
1st POV
After waiting for the room to warm up, I head to the walk in wardrobe to find some clothes to change into.

Whoa! This is a lot more Choices, then I was expecting.

The rails and floor shelves are covered in clothes, making it more difficult to choose a set of clothes. Though in the end, I did end up choosing a decent outfit.

After, throwing on a white t-shirt, long warm grey pants, a fluffy white hoodie with a design on it and some black socks. I then head back to the main area trying to figure out what to do next.

That is when I notice a green book, sitting on the table with a fancy looking grey pen. I walk over and almost sit down at the table when, my stomach starts to rumble. I quickly remember, I have yet to eat anything. So I make my way over to the fridge and put my hand on the handle.

What do I want to eat? I mean I could eat anything and since there is no one else here, I can't be judged for what I eat... Actually that's incorrect, I can still judge myself... JUST CHOOSE SOMETHING TO EAT! I know toast, it will do.

I then open the fridge to find some white bread and butter, the rest of the fridge being completely empty. I grab them out and put my hand on one of the cupboards causing a toaster, plate and butter knife to appear inside.

After cooking and buttering the toast, I finally sit at the table and have my first good look at the book.

Rule Book of Bridging Reality Bubble

Owned by Miss Kamado-Riddle

Around those words was a board line of gold. I take a bite of my toast before processing to open the book, to find it is almost completely blank except for the inside of the front cover.

-Only the owner of this book can change any of the rules placed in this book or add new rules.

-This book can neither be destroyed or hidden from the owner.

-Rules are only in effect while within the bubble region unless that something is connected to the bubble directly allowing it to still follow the rules of this book.

-All those living in the bubble are forced to follow all rules that can effect them.

-Failure to follow a rules will result in a punishment, depending on the rule broken the punishment can range from a simple timeout to death or even a curse.

-All punishments are decided by the owner, either placed in the book or are decided after the rule is broken.

Yikes, that went dark quickly. And all this pressure of being the god of this bubble. That is something, I'm going to pay for later.

I continue to munch on my toast as I think. Occasionally pausing to write with my right hand, picking up the toast with my left.

After about 3 hours, of writing rules that the bubble and those who live within it will follow, plus a short bathroom break. I had finally finished a list that I was proud of. Some of the most notable are:

-All those born of the bubble will start at the age 7.

-Special tattoo links can be used to keep those who venture out, to still be effected by the rules.

-Those who are born of the bubble can not shift to another reality, but can freely travel the outside world if they choose to.

-Deadly diseases can't exist within the bubble.

I then have some lunch before I start to think about my next task. I walk over to the wall and flick a switch. A section of the floor near the switch, starts to move under the rest of the floor, revealing a set of stairs.

At least this one is faster.

I give the TV switch a quick dirty look before turning back and finding the floor completely out of the way. I smile a little.

Next stop the basement.

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