Chapter 21: 1 Month Left - part 3

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Yuki POV
Now Yuki isn't an idiot and he is actually pretty good at picking up emotions from people, and reading most rooms. Most do not include, tension from a bad past, hell it's almost as if the trauma of having his mother kill has made him immune to properly understanding or picking up on it, in most other people.

He can pick up on it in himself, Iceyko and Emiko. Anyone else he can't really, though he has been getting better at picking it up in Kana but the others he still has no clue.

Upon telling Emiko of the situation when he was out with Miyuki and Endeavor, Emiko ended up giving him a 'you got to be kidding me' look before explaining to him.

"She highly dislikes her father, to the point, where I would even say she almost hates him. She told us all about how she got the scar on her face, or do you not remember?" Emiko says, almost reprehending him.

Emiko can be a little oblivious to some minor dark past things but she is certainly decent at picking it up. So, when it obvious for her, you know it's an obvious fact.

"Oh, yeah she did. I should apologise." He says, and stands up from sitting on Emiko's bed. He was about to go when Emiko grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Don't bother now, from what you told me, she ended up pissing him off for the majority of the day. That is more than enough to get forgiveness from her." Emiko says and guilds him to sit back down.

This was why he went to Emiko and not Iceyko, Iceyko can be a bit too blunt and harsh with her honesty. Considering that Iceyko is a telepath and can pick up on dark past's the best out of the three. She wasn't going to be his first choice for something like this. Although she is the best at picking up dark pasts, emotions aren't exactly her strong suit.

"Have you noticed?" Emiko starts with a rather open ended question.

What is there to notice? I have I missed something else?

"What exactly?" He asks, unsure of where this is going.

"How everyone around us seems to have their guards up like Ena is going to come back and get us anytime soon." Emiko says.

"You say it like, she won't." He points out.

"That's because she won't. She would have already, have come and got us if that was her plan." Emiko explains.

"I guess, but why are you so sure?" He questions.

"Simple, she didn't kidnap us, kill ours and Kana's mother for nothing. She has always mentioned a mission and we were or still are apart of it." Emiko further explains.

"That's true, but if we were her mission then what happened?" Yuki agrees.

"That I'm currently not sure of, but I do know that Iceyko was separated for a reason from us that night and whatever happened in there caused her to become more distant." Emiko says, a little hurt that Iceyko won't talk to anyone about it.

"She has? She been acting pretty normal to me." He starts, not see it.

"That's because she has only distance herself a little bit more than usual. I only noticed because she been acting more closed off." Emiko says.

"Oh, so it's only a minor thing." He says with relief.

"Minor?! What if she completely shuts off again?" Emiko snaps a little, she was worried for Iceyko.

"Hey! She'll be fine if she needs help, she knows we're here and if it gets worse we'll stop her from shutting off." Yuki says and hugs Emiko tightly as she cries a little.
Emiko POV
She is the calm, rational rock of the seven. Though that doesn't make her the one that deals with all the problems, just mainly dealing with quirk related ones. Sometimes her eraser quirk can be a blessing and a curse.

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