Charpter 3: Mansion

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1st POV
I begin my journey down the stairs, it was a bit longer than I thought it was going to be. Though I quickly and quietly made the journey and arrived at my destination.

Now if the bubble wasn't considered to a new born, I absolutely WOULD NOT be down here. The area is large and most of it is practically pitch dark. The only light in the area is from upstairs, a light at the bottom of the staircase and the light that comes from a computer in the wall. Which is located right near the bottom of the stairs.

I walk over to it and find a button just below the hollowed out area for the computer and a spinning wheel chair pops out of the section of wall right next it.

What the?! That could have given me a heart attack.

After recovering a calm stable heartbeat, I move to sit in front of the computer and start working on the plans for some new structures and areas for the bubble.

"So, is it going to be a mansion or castle?" I mumble out loud. I continue to do this while completing the plans.


"Wings of rooms for occupies and special rooms are up stairs.. Wait, and of course there are secret passageways..."

"An art space or room... Definitely, a library, lounge room, study , dining room, kitchen, bathrooms. A greenhouse or conservatory? maybe. A movie room? Should have that. A grand hall? Great to have especially if I want to hold an event..."

Even if I highly dislike parties and hanging out with a lot of people.

"There's the stair case at the front entrance. Ooh, the garden is next, it should be large. That way there's a large distance between the mansion and where cemetery will be. A forest can be added as well, as will a lake..."

"Hmmm, I feel like I'm missing something. Argh, what is it?" I huff out of frustration and put my head on the wood that the computer is sitting on.

Okay, just think about this logically. What the hell would I want? THE SIMULATOR ROOM!

I quickly get to planning it out. I make sure it connects to this basement area and a normal way above ground.

Anything else, I can never be too careful, as no one will know or even can know what tomorrow will bring... Well, at least not without an ability that allows them to, but even then people could change their minds, changing the outcome.

After completing the plans, I go over them to ensure I haven't missed anything before I set the plans, to be completed. This will allow the bubble to know, that this is what I want and will begin preparations to complete it.

Though it can only build when I am asleep at night. If I were to sleep during the day it would have no effect on the building progress.

With this in mind I head back up to the main area and find that it is now early evening. I turn on the light with one of the two switches in the room, the one next to the front door to be exact, before I prepare to have dinner and head to bed.

Switching off the lights with the other switch, located next to my bed on the right. I proceeded to get comfy and slowly drift off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Author Notes
The picture of the basement failed, though it was simply just a box room with stairs and a computer in the wall. The Image for the next chapter also failed but it was quite simple as well. Also the image for the other half and the birds eye view, though the birds I was before the changes and the other has basically been pictured.
Anyway hope you enjoyed.

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