Chapter 6: Building An Empire

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1st POV
The next day after my morning shower and getting dressed. I was in the bathroom, when I noticed a difference in my appearance and I also felt different. Causing me to quickly wipe the foggy mirror to get a better look.

What I saw staring back at me didn't look a lot like me but did at the same time. I look younger, maybe around the age of 15/16. I still have green eyes but they are more of an emerald green colour now. I have the same freckles over my the tops of my cheeks, same pale skin, ears are the same too. Right one looks like an elf ear while the other is a more rounded ear lobe.

My hair on the other hand, it is still the same length and has the same wavy/curly look to it. But it is now crimson red. Dark brown to crimson red, it was an interesting experience having it change over night to this colour. I freaked out for a moment before remembering.

Wait. That count down and hitting start for the shifting progress yesterday. I'm so stupid, forgetting such an important detail.

Now for those who are wondering, what she is on about. Well, Miss Kamado-Riddle created a system that the Bubble follows for travelling to other realities, when she was in her old reality.

The system is rather simple in concept. First she must select a reality, then from there a count down will begin that will tell her when a guest or guests will arrive to take her to the reality. The guest or guest will always be the first person or people she interacts with once she arrives. Though what the people do in the Bridging reality won't be remembered once they leave, as they are merely copies of the characters/people of the world.

Another feature of the system is that she will become the self she is shifting to. Mainly just in looks and she will start to get some memories for the her is will become while she is there. The memories is where it can become complex, so for let's just focus on the looks.

The looks is simple, her appearance will change depending on what the her looks like in the reality, it helps her familiarise herself before she arrives. The wardrobe also changes, it will only show things, she is like to wear once she has shifted.

Though sadly she doesn't have any abilities that she will in the reality, well at least not yet.

After getting over my stupidity, I had some food and walked to the bed, where I have been sitting for the past 5 minutes trying to prepare myself to create other list. I had started with a title on this new page:

Building An Empire

Which seems quite fitting because this list is for the building up of the Bubble. Making it more of a home for not only myself but for others as well. After all, no man is an island. So, naturally I will drive myself crazy if I don't have at least one other person here with me.

Beginning the list, I start with a bunch of people and jobs/roles for each. Although they will be technically programmed to do the roles required of them, they don't necessarily have to, but will instead want to do so as they personalities will generally reflect their role in someway.

List of roles plus names:

-Butler = Sebastian
-Fashion expect + head maid of the house = Emiko
- Female Cook = Molly
- Male Cook = Haru
- Doctor = Reiki she/they
- Therapist = Yuna she/they
- Scientific and Medical Researcher + Experimenter = Itsuki male
- Female Librarian = Fumiko
- Male Librarian = Tomo
- Maid 1 = Kizou male
- Maid 2 = Atae male
- Maid 3 = Erio female
- Reaper = Yami they/them
- Gardener/Ground keeper = Sayuri female
- Comfort person = CC she/they or he/they
- Explorer 1 = Etta female
- Explorer 2 = Amaho female
- Explorer 3 = Asari female
- Explorer 4 = Amore female
- Explorer 5 = Fuji male
- Explorer 6 = Honoka male
- Explorer 7 = Arihiro male
- Explorer 8 = Chikio male

That should do for now, I can add more details when I.. create? Or is better to think of it like spawning in? They both sound weird..

Once I was done contemplating on the right way to thinking of it. I start to think of when I actually wanted each to be created.

Obviously, I can't have the explorers around until at least the 1900s. Though it would be more preferable if they don't show up until the 2000s that way we can keep their footprint in history to a minimum until 2020, after that point I don't care.

With that thought of I quickly finish off the others and look over to the calendar.

World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 3

Hmm, maybe, day 14, for the first one.

I lock it in and look at the counter down.

22 days

That should mean that I will have, 22-11=11, 11 days with the first one before I leave for the first reality.

With that all done, I continue on with my day, relaxing and doing very little, while getting a little excited about the plans of tomorrow.

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