Chapter 12: Why?

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1st POV
World 0 | year 0 | month 1 | day 21

It's early morning as I start to wake up. I feel something warm cuddled up next to me. I carefully crack my eyes open and see Sebastian, is the one who is cuddling me.

I sigh a soft sigh of relief, as I start to try to remember why I was in this predicament again.

Let's see, I fell asleep after.. Oh! I was hanging out here in the hut with Sebastian, after we had dinner. He ended up falling asleep on my bed so I just decided to sleep next to him, after tucking him in. So, just at some point one of us initiated the cuddle. Not like this bothers me, just startled. At least I think that's all.

I turn my attention to Sebastian, he looks relaxed and calm. Not a fear in the world.

I feel like I should be annoyed, that he is this cute.

My eyes move to scan the room, they stop on the count down:

4 days

4 days, then I leave. At least it won't feel like I'm gone for long for Sebastian. Barely a second or so, depending on how long I do stay there. Then I have another cool down before, I can leave again.

I suddenly feel movement next to me and I look down to find that Sebastian is starting to wake up.

"Hey, sleepily head." I say softly trying not to startle him too much.

He groans a little, before proceeding to bury his face into my body. Now I assume it was because of the light from the sun, that is coming in through the window. Though that didn't matter as I suddenly tense up from the action.

He seemed to quickly realise I was in fact not a pillow and quickly lets go. He almost falls off the bed after he rapidly moves back to create some distance but I grab him and stop him from falling.

He was wide awake now, with his wide eyes piercing me. I make sure he is secure, on the bed before carefully retracting me arms. I watch him carefully, while trying to calm myself down.

When did I have such a good reaction time? Not the time. I need to calm my heartbeat first, so I can stop hearing it in my ears before I can deescalate this situation properly.

After a few more moments I speak, "Sorry, about not moving once I woke up. I just didn't want to disturb you and cause something like this, but this happened anyway."

He looks at me startled at first before finding his own voice, "It-It's okay. I apologise for hugging you like that." He's face was red as he speaks.

My face instantly reheats up, "Haha, it's fine." I nervously laugh and try to shake off the event.

I look away and wave my cheeks, trying to cool me back down.

Just thinking about it makes me feel embarrassed.

"What's that number on the TV for?" He suddenly asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"The one that says '4 days'?" I ask as I turn back towards him.

He nods in response. I sigh.

I knew I was going to have to tell him sooner or later.

"Well, that's a count down for when I leave to visit another reality for a little bit." I say, trying really hard to make it sound like it's not a big deal.

"You're leaving me." He says, sounding very upset.

Damn it, this is why I didn't want to tell him. Now I feel bad. All I want to do is experience other realities.

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