Chapter 24: Lunch

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Iceyko's POV
It's the next day, in the morning there are normal classes like science, Maths. English and history. But in the after which most people are waiting for, after lunch that is, is the hero course subject lesson. Which will be Hero basic training.

As of now though, it was still only the first part of the day and lunch was still out of reach. The thing that annoyed me however, was the fact that the twins still haven't talked to each at all.

It was English and Present Mic was being loud. I, on the other hand was taking a nap. While still listening and taking in information.

Luckily it was soon lunch and the teachers never bothered me while I napped, which I was great full for but I'm also a little suspicious about what their intentions of letting me sleep are.

For now I need food, so I get up, only to be dragged by Kana to the cafeteria. She reason for doing so, "I was afraid the boys were going to ask to sit with me." She states.

"Your quirk is totally the worst one." I say sarcastically.

"Hey, it is." She states firmly as we sit down at a table.

"You would survive a week with my quirk without dying." I fire back.

"You would get too bored if you had mine." She comes back with.

"Yeah, that probably." I agree.

"Yours is an all rounder quirk, so I don't see what you have to complain about." She says and digs into her food.

I was considering telling her otherwise but I didn't want her to worry so I stay silent and being to eat.

We were soon joined by Emiko, Yuki and two of this friends from 1B.

"Hello sisters, Kana. Meet my friends. This is Kiramu Aku and Hitoshi Shinso." Yuki introduces as he sits next to Kana and his friends sit next to me.

"I'm Emiko and that is Iceyko" Emiko introduces as I just simply nod and continue eating, I'm not great with new people but I can handle it.

"Iceyko? So, you're who Yuki talks so much about along with Kana and Emiko, of course." Kiramu says with a bright smile.

"Good things, I hope." I say and give a look to Yuki.

"Of course, nothing bad to tell." He says a little nervous under my gaze. I nod, content with the answer and go back to my food.

"Why exactly are you scared of her?" Shinso asks after watching the exchange.

"I can be scary, especially when it comes to my naps." I answer.

"Yeah, and you never know what you'll get as punishment." Yuki adds, shuddering at the memories of some.

This action didn't go unnoticed, neither did the particular wording.

"What are your quirks?" Kiramu asks us all from 1A, as she moves part of her lapis blue hair out of her face.

"Mine is called Goddess. I can take on some of the traits and abilities of Greek goddess." Kana says.

"Downside she is a walking beauty, that attaches attention." I add with a smirk.

"Says the one who has to hurt herself every time she uses hers." Kana remarks.

"You have to hurt yourself, to use your quirk?" Kiramu questions, with a horrified look in her violet eyes.

"Yeah, it's not big of a deal. Though I almost forgot most reaction like that." I say brushing it off.

"You forgot? How do you forget, what people think of your quirk?" Shinso asks.

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