Chapter 43: Storytime

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1st POV
"It all started with, being kidnapped that the age of 5 with my siblings who were apart of a triplet with me, Emiko and Yuki. Our mother was killed that day and we were taken." I start trying my best to gloss over some of the darker points.

"2 years later another 4 kids were kidnapped and kept with us, they were Asuka Midoriya, Kazuya Bakugou, Miyuki Todoroki and Kana Yagi." I continue.

"After about 11 years of being held there, 9 for the ones taken at age 7. We were 'saved' by the Heroes." I say.

"Were you not really saved?" He asks.

"It was planned, by the villains to have us let go. Not the Heroes finding us and saving us. Meaning that if they wanted to they could have had us locked up forever." I state.

"Oh." He comments a little sad at the thought.

"But don't worry about that, we got out. So, from there we weren't questioned about what happened and other things before being taken to a house, where the Pro heroes take in turns looking over the house, and insuring that we aren't taken by the villains." I continue, trying to cheer him up.

"So, they looked after you?" He questions.

"They did and still do. Soon we were told that we would be attending the most prestigious hero school in Japan, UA high school. We were added to original class, making 26 in each hero class." I say with a smile.

"But there is only 7 of you?" He questions.

"Well there are other students, like Shinso who got to state in the hero course in this reality. The others added in that class are Yuki, Kiramu Aku, and three of Shi's sextuplets." I state.

"Moving on, we go through schooling rather well, even with the USJ attack." I comment.

"Was it scary seeing real villains?" Sebastian asks.

"No, to be honest. It was actually more scary at how calm I felt through the whole ordeal. It was probably because had grown up around Ena and some of villains coming and going." I answer.

"Did you get hurt?" He asks.

"Yes I did, but it was mainly from my own actions and quirk. Though the Nomu dealt a nasty blow. It was however all healed up by the next day." I say trying not to make it sound too bad but being truthful.

"The Nomu? Is that the bird thing?" He questions.

"The purple bird giant? Then yes." I state and Sebastian nods.

"That thing is dangerous, why were you close to it?" He asks concerned.

"I was protecting others and I only got hurt but it because I did a dumb move." I respond, which causes him to give me a disproving look.

"After that event, we got ready for Sports Festival. I got out on the first event because crowds and my quirk don't mix. After that I watched it till the end and Bakugou did win, before the final event of choosing our hero names. Mine is Wildcard." I finish.

"Wildcard? Why did you choose that?" He asks.

"It's the most fitting name for me." I answer.

We sit in silence for a moment, "well, that's about it so. Let's going for something." I state.

Sebastian agrees and we go off to do some art, until it is lunch time. For lunch we start to make a veggie bake, because there is a nice tasting one.

While doing it however, I was peeling the potatoes and accidentally cut my finger. I looked at the blood and it was acting funny.

No way?! I actually have it now.

Sebastian looks over and sees it, "What's wrong with your blood?" He asks.

"I think I go my quirk." I state with a smile and the tips of my hair turn yellow and my eyes glow a little green.

"Your hair and eyes?" He states shocked.

"That's my emotions, linked to the quirk. Though I don't think I have all the abilities I had there." I say and try to use the ice ability and find I can't, "it's nothing that can't be fixed." My hair and eyes return to normal.

He nods as he watches me move my blood back into my body and the wound heals. His eyes light up, "that's so cool."

"It really is." I agree.

We continue to make lunch and soon eat it. After eating, I figure out that I only have my main ability, hologram, info, hair and eye changing, and Nightmare. I was too fond of the idea of having nightmare but it is what it is.

Following that I decide to spend more time with Sebastian until I'm ready to move into the next reality, to explore and experience it.

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