Chapter 35: Preparing For The Sports Festival & Siblings?

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Over the two weeks they all worked hard on preparing for the festival. Highlights and feelings of characters, will now be shown.

Emiko POV
She has been working hard to not feel out shined by Iceyko, who doesn't even want the attention. Although she does know and understand her, she sometimes can't help but wonder why she holds herself back.

She also has been faced with the reminds of her other insecurities. Those being that every time someone touches her they quirk is canceled and her lack of skills with using her elemental weapon.

The first one might seem strange but if you think about, it applies both in and off the battle field. Say if Midoriya were to pick her up while she was injured and goes to get her out of there. He would have to do it with a quirk, this can make her a problem of sorts, with the quirks of those trying to help her out can't use them.

Healing can even be a problem. Someone like Recovery Girl can't use her quirk on her as it requires her to touch her.

People have found a way around this. People being, Iceyko, Kana and Asuka. Them finding ways to help her while not touching her, allowing them to use their quirks.

With the three of them being able to either heal and get her out of situations, and even both, has given her hope and helps her cope.

The effects of the USJ attack weren't to major. Though there was an effect. Sometimes she think of the day to learn what she could do better in the future, but it also brings up further past memories as well.

One of the things that has effected her the most from that day, was when Ena held the back her neck. It brings her back to a memory from the time in fortress area.

The day, she was in the doctor room, she was getting examined and poked with needles. She was even asked questions which she answered most pretty well, until they got to her mother. Since those memories had been mostly locked way she could exactly answer any of those questions.

At some point Ena had gotten so annoyed that she had grabbed the back of her neck, trying to scare her into speaking. After grabbing her neck however, Ena seemed to realise she wasn't being difficult but genuine couldn't remember, causing her to immediately let go.

She used to worry herself when she was growing up, that she couldn't remember much about before they were with Ena and what their mother was like. The others had mostly put it down to being 'we were young'.

Eventually Iceyko had gotten her Telepathic ability on Emiko and had found that the memories weren't exactly forgotten for the most part but were locked away. This information, wasn't told to Emiko until she revealed her abilities to everyone.

She of course like anyone would be, was upset, but she soon got over it and instead asked if there was away for her to access the memories. The response she got was a vague and more of a 'I'll give it a go', type thing.

Iceyko did eventually open the memories lock and started letting them slowly flow out so not to shock Emiko, causing the memories to lock up again.


Her training was mainly focused on her elemental weapons. There are 11 of them, though one of which is a pair of gloves. The gloves belong to the magic element.

The other elements and their paired weapons are:
Dark - Assassins throwing dagger, Water- Staff, Ice- Sword, Earth- Hammer, Space- Scythe, Light- Whip, Fire- Sword, Electric- Sword, Nature- Staff, Air- Bow.

Her favourite to use has been the space scythe, allowing her to create portals to places that she can picture in her mind. She couldn't use to escape Ena with this ability as her memories of the outside world had been locked away from the trauma of her mother's death, she had to learn to use it and when she was able to see the outside world, she saw no point in trying to escape as she knew Ena would just find them.

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