Chapter Four

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After all the boys go out it's time to meet them. We get in Matthew line and wait. Theres is preppy 14 year old in the line in front of us talking about how she rape any one of them at any given second. I make this coughing noise and she turned around.

"What the hell do you want?" She says in a squeaky voice. "Why you are talking about raping my man!!" Chloe says with an attitude before I can answer. "Your man I don't think so honey!" she says to Chloe. "Umm yeah honey. Last time I checked Matt doesn't date 10 year olds." Chloe replies like she's about to fight her.

"I'm not 10 I'm 14 so you can shut the fuck up!" "OK whatever take your picture and then go home and cry over him! OK bye!" Chloe says motioning her forward.

She goes and takes a picture and kisses him on the cheek. She looks back at us and rolls her eyes. "Damn girl you were about to fight her!" I said laughing before she went to Matt.

×Chloe's P.O.V×
I was ready to fight her! How is a 14 year old about to tell me that she would rape Matt. I don't even know. All I care is that im about to meet Matthew. I hear Kailor say something but I don't listen. I'm to busy freaking out.

It's my turn. "Hey Matt. We took-" he cuts me off "A picture together I remember Chloe." "Umm y-yeah we did! How did you remember?!" I ask out to die I'm so excited. "How could I forget, someone as beautiful as you?" He says so charming. "Thank you can we take another picture? And can you sign my shirt and phone case?!" "Yeah baby give me your phone."

I give him my IPhone6 and put it on camera. "Say Popcorn!!!" "Popcorn!"

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