Chapter Ten

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
Kailor and I stay on the stage the whole time! They dance and sing it was so fun! I never though this was going to happen. One month ago I was getting a call from my best friend saying we were going to MAGCON.

Now here we are in the lounge playing truth or dare with them. I was sitting so close to Matthew I was practically in his lap. We were holding hands and so were Kailor and Cameron.

Taylor went first. "Shawn truth or dare?" "Oh I didn't know I was playing." He says laughing "Well now you do so truth or dare?" Taylor says smiling. "Truth." "Really Shawn? Fine. Who would you kiss. Chloe or Kailor?" Taylor said to Shawn but was looking at us.

"Taylor. I'm not answering that." Shawn says kind of embarrassed.
"Ok. Nash will you go get a ice bucket and fill it with water. But keep the ice in it." Taylor says to Nash smiling. "Yeah sure Taylor."

Nash gets the ice bucket and goes to the bathroom to fill it up. He gives it to Taylor. And Taylor goes behind Shawn and dumps it on him. "What the hell Taylor?!?" Shawn yells. "If you don't answer I will do it again."

I start laughing but quietly. "See Chloe thinks its funny now answer the question." "Yeah Shawn just answer!" I say. "Fine Kailor! I would kiss Kailor." He says looking at Taylor. "Then do it." Taylor tells him.
"What!" Shawn says. "You heard me kiss her." Taylor says laughing. "Umm can I say something?" Kailor says. "Yes please Kailor." Shawn says. "Ok. Shawn it's a dare just do it. A kiss is only what 3,5 seconds?"

"Umm Kailor, I'm kind of right here." Cameron says. "Oh shut up Cam! It's just a kiss." She says laughing. "Do you guys always do this?" I ask Matt. "Sometimes. Sometimes we say who we would kiss and stuff out of all the fans." Matt tells me.

"Shawn just do it!" Taylor tells him again. "Ok Kailor come here." He tells Kailor. "Just make it quick Ok?" I hear Cameron whisper to Kailor. "Alright I will. Besides its just a kiss. It's not like you haven't done it before." She whispers back.

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