Chapter Thirty Two

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×Kailor's P.O.V×
"I've got to go. I'll be back soon." I tell Cameron. Putting my shirt back on. Ok I was doing something important but Chloe is always first. "Where you going babe we just got started." He whines. "Chloe needs me." I say grabbing my keys.

"I'll be back soon. Don't worry." I say kissing him. I walk out of the room and go to the car. "Where you going Kailor are you guys already done?" Gilisky asked. "No Chloe needs me." I tell him trying to walk out of the door.

"You can't leave Kai you guys just got started." Gilisky said. OMG just let me out I'm thinking. "I knew that but the sooner you let me out the sooner I'll be back." I say pushing him out of the way. "Alright but be quick a dare is a dare." He sags moving.

I drive to Walgreens because I didn't have any either. I bought some and drove to the restaurant. I finally get to the bathroom and she's wiping blood off her thighs. "Thanks Kai I love you so much right now." She says hugging me. "Alright but don't get blood on my new shirt!" I tell her.

Yes I was still wearing my shirt Cameron and I had made. "Ok thanks you saved me from a night of embarrassment." She says. "Ok I'm gonna go now." I say walking out of the bathroom. I get back into my car and turn up the radio really loud. It's the song Coco.

Even though I'm white doesn't mean I don't like music like that so I sing along.

I'm in love with the coco
I'm in love with the coco
I got it for the low low
I'm in love with the coco

Once that song was over Rack City came on so I sang to that to

Rack City Bitch
Rack City Bitch
10 10 10 20s and 50 bitch

By the time that song was over I had been in the parking lot for 2 minutes. "I better go in." I say to myself turning down the radio. I walk in and see Gilisky naked. "What the hell is happening?" I yell covering my eyes. "Just get used to it if you can Cam go out you'll be seeing a lot of this." Gilisky says smiling.

"I rather not see yours!" I say. I grab a pair of basketball shorts and throw them at him. "Put them on Jack." I tell him. He listens to me and puts them on. "Good now I don't want to see that again. Do you hear me?" I say. "Yes Ma'am." Gilisky says laughing.

"Now go do your dare!" He says. "Fine." I say walking back into the room Cameron's in. "I'm back." I say to him. "Good I was getting worried." He said picking me up and pinning me to the wall. I kissed him and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed it. We did this for 5 minutes. And he started kissing down my neck. "I need you Kailor." He tells me.

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