Chapter Thirty Five

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
Matthew starts texting someone
I don't know who it is so I just eat my ice cream. He gets done and looks at me with worry in his eyes. "You might want to talk to Kailor." He says. "What happened?" I ask him. He's making me worried now. "Let's just say something went down. And Cam and Kailor left and some guys hit on her. And he snapped on both of them." He tells me. And I get excited text from Kai

K: I messed up. I never should of came. I should of just gave you to tickets and told you to go with someone.
C: No. You didn't. Did he come and try to make it right?
K: Yes but I ignored him and left. I'm at the mall now will you come get me please?
C: Yeah I'll be there soon. I love you stay there don't do anything I wouldn't.

I told her that because I don't cut. I've never had a reason to. But I knew she did. "Kailor needs me you can come with me or go to Cameron. Your choice." I said standing up and pulling my dress down a little. "I'll go to Cameron he needs someone." He says getting the keys.

We walk out to the car and get in. "So where's Kailor?" He asks turing on the car. "She at the mall." I say rubbing my temples. It's what I do to get rid of a headache. "Ok well be there soon." He assures me. I reach for his hand and hold it for the rest of the ride.

We get to the mall and he drops me off. "Come and get Kailor and I when your done talking to Cameron alright." I say closing the door. "Alright." I hear him say. I walk into the mall and see her sitting on the fountain crying. I run over to her. She's my best friend I can't stand to see her hurt.

"Let's talk about it"
"Ok we had sex. Gilisky dare us to. Once we were done we went out of the room and Carter, Sam, Jack, and Jack made fun of us. We went bowling because I didn't want to stay there. Some guys checked me out and Cam got mad. They started to get into a fight so I tryed to stop it. And he told me 'Shut the fuck up Kailor I can handle it' so I left"
"Bae it's ok but what did he look like after he said it"
"He looked like-like he just watched his mom or sister die. He looked like he just found out his father didn't make it back from the military"
"Ok so that means he was just angry at the boys not you. And he ran after you like you said right"
"Yeah but I pushed him off"
"Ok let's go watch a movie and we'll go back and talk to Cameron ok... Kailor he didn't mean it he loves you"
"Alright can we watch unfriended"

We walk over to the movies and get two Unfriended movie tickets. We get large popcorn with extra butter and sour punch straws. We walk into the theater and some boys whistle. We just ignore them and find a seat.

I get a text right as the movie is about to end. It's from Matthew

M: I'm on my way
C: Ok were at the movies so park there it's ending now
M: Alright see you soon
C: See you soon

"Matthew is on the way." I whisper to Kailor. "Alright. Clo I'm nervous

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