Chapter Nineteen

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×Kailor's P.O.V×
"Kailor will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. "Yes!" I say right away. In front of Carter and Sam. "See you guys she not single." He leans down and kisses me.

"Really Cam I was gonna do that!" Sam says. "Sorry I got dibs." Cam says back. I just laugh "Am I really that pretty?" I whisper to Cameron. "Yeah baby what else would Sam be hitting on you and Shawn want to kiss you?"

"I don't know. No ones ever liked me before. I was always the unwanted one." I say. I was about to cry again so I hugged Cam and drop. Drop drop drop. Great it was happening again.

"Kai let's go to the beach. OK get your mind off things it's only 8:30 we have plenty of time." He says. "Ok we can do that. I just want to be away from everyone right now." I tell him.

We go to the car. "I'm sorry I cry all the time. I've just had a hard time lately. But I'm about to graduate high school so I guess that will help." I tell him with tears running down my face. "It's fine babe. I get it. I've had a hard time to. During the start of highschool I didn't have any friends. I would pray to God to give me some and look at where I am now. Sitting to the best girl in the world and knowing she's my girlfriend."

"Thanks Cameron. I sent you fan mail once. Did you ever get it?" I ask. "What did it look like?" He asks. "Umm it was a big box with pink duck tape all over it. It had all your favorite things in it. Like Reese's Pieces, a Valcom T-shirt, and a beanie that said swag." I tell him. "Uhh did it have a big poster that lit up and a couple letters?" He asks.

"YEAH! That's it. I can't believe you remember. I sent that two years ago." I said excited. "How could I forget. That poster is still hanging in my room." He says laughing. "Yay! That make me happy."

"Ok well we're here so let's go be more happy." He says taking my hand. "Ok can we go sit over there. By the palm trees?" I ask him. "Yeah babe let's go. Race ya!" He says. I start running but he beats me. "Damn! You beat me!" I say when I get there. "That's ok cause we both win. Come here sit on my lap." He tells me. I sit on his lap and he leans in and kisses me. "I love you Kailor."

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