Chapter Fourty Eight

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×Matthews P.O.V×
I was leaving Chloe's room and went to the elevator when I saw Cameron. Come in and place a basket in front of the door. I bet its for Kailor. He left and so did I. I went back up to the other boys floor which is just a floor above our. I was walking out of the elevator when I heard screaming. It sounded like Kailor and Taylor.

I stood by the stairwell and then I really heard screaming. They were fighting. I heard it all then the elevator opened. No one came out so I went to see who was in it. "Hello?" I say not looking in. "Matt?" I hear some one say. It sounded like Kailor. "Kailor? Is that you in there?" I ask coming around the corner a little.

She saw me and jumped up. She ran the few feet that was between us and hugged me. She was crying. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were wet. I hugged her back. We just stood there for a while. She looked up at me and opened her mouth to say something then closed it again.

"Hey you can tell me. I won't tell anyone. I promise." I say rubbing my thumb on her cheek. "Me and Taylor broke up. He called Cameron a coward and I called him selfish and then other stuff happened and now its over." She said sniffling. "Its ok. Maybe it just wasn't ment to be Kai." I say.

She's making it really hard to not kiss her right now. I know its not the time but I can't help it. I just look at her and she does the same. I lean down and she gets on her tippy toes and we kiss. Then we do it again, and again. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. She pulls back for air. "M-matt I did-didnt, you're dating Chloe." She says. "She doesn't have to know. Let's just keep it between us. Ok?" I say kissing her again. "Ok."

I want to kiss her forever. She's so pretty. I want her. Not Chloe. I put Kailor down and we walk into the Aaron's, Sam's, Carter's, and Shawn's, hotel room. I sit next to Carter and Kailor sits next to Sam. "Hey let's make a YouTube video!" I say. "About what?" Sam asks. "Truth or dare!!!" Kailor says. "Ok everyone tweet that we'll be doing a truth or dare video in 10 minutes and hashtag it what?" I say.

"TRUTH OR DARES WITH THE BAES!" Sam says getting on his phone. "Sam really I'm not doing that." Carter says. "Well to bad you have to just tweeted it." Sam says back. All of our phones go off and its Sam's tweet.

Hey guys doing a YT vid with my fam @KailorReeves @MatthewEspinosa @AaronCarpender @ShawnMendes @CarterReynolds its truth or dare so tell us what you want #TruthOrDareWithTheBaes

We all tweet pretty much the same thing and them wait 10 minutes. "So we should do a challenge to like if you don't do it you have to do a dare." Kailor says. "That's good Kai let's do that." Aaron says. I get my camera and set it up to where were all on the couch and can all be seen.

"Hey guys its Matthew here with all my favorite people. Aaron, Carter, Sam, and Shawn." I say. "Umm you forgot me Matt. I'm Kailor youre most favorite person in the world." Kailor says laughing. "Aww I don't think so Kai I don't like you anymore." I say back laughing. "Whatever hey guys its Kai the bestest friend of...Sam!" She says laughing. "What?! I though I was?" I say laughing.

"Nope not anymore. Sam's my new best friend." She says putting her arm around Sam. "Fine then... Ok so were gonna be doing a truth or dare video with a twist. We have to do a challenge and if we complete it we get a truth and if we don't we get a dare." I say. "So who goes first?" Shawn says. "I vote Carter!" Kailor says. "Me to." Says Aaron.

"Ok." Carter Says.

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