Chapter Thirty One

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
I walk into the bathroom to get ready again and I hear Matthew say something to Nash. I'm fixing my makeup when I hear the door slam. "Are you OK Chloe?" Matthew asks standing outside the door. "Yeah but can we not talk about it right now?" I say walking out of the room.

I see Matthew's eyes. They are puffy from crying. "I just don't want him to hurt you Clo." He tells me. I hug him "As long as you're with me no one will." I say smiling and pulling him into a kiss. "We better get going." He says putting him arm around my waist.

We walk into the car and drive off. "So where are we going?" I ask him turning up the radio. "It's a surprise baby. Just relax and enjoy the ride." He tells me. "Alright." I say and focus on the song. It's Boss Ass Bitch I sing

I'm a boss ass bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
I'm a boss ass bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

"Alright we're here." He says turning down the radio. He goes and opens my door. I love watching them open. The way they go up instead of out. "Thank you." I say smiling. "Your welcome baby let's go." He says and I realize where we are.

We're at Garden Of Roses I love this place. "Matthew I love this place. My dad and I come here every time he gets home from the NAVY." I say. "Wow then I did good right?" He asks me smiling. "Yes you are excellent!" I say as he opens the door for me to walk in.

"Name?" The lady at the desk asks. "Espinosa." He tells her. Making me blush. Even the thought of thinking of us being together makes me blush. We get our table. It's next to a big window. Outside there is a big water fountain. The waiter comes and asks us what we want to eat.

"Just a Ceaser Salad for me. Thank you." I say. "I would like the chicken on the rocks." Matthew says taking a drink of his sprite. We get our food and I start to eat it when I feel a drop go down my leg. "Umm...I'll be right back." I say running to the bathroom.

I check and yepp I started my period. I look in my purse even though I knew there wasn't any tampons in there. I wasn't so post to start till we left MAGCON. "Shit! This can't be happening." I say. I decided to text Kai.

Hey are you doing anything important right now?
No. Nothing that can't be done later what's up?
I started my period I need tampons...
Ugh Clo. I'll be right there where are you?
Garden Of Roses. Thank you I love you bae.

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