Chapter Twenty Two

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
"I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise." He tells me. Good I don't have to worried. Kailor and I walk into the event and get in the front again. When people start coming in I hear people talking about us.

As in us I mean Matt and I, Kailor and Cameron, and Kailor and I. "Kai do you hear them?" I ask her. But how could she not? They are literally right behind us. "Yeah I do Clo. Don't worry they won't hurt us Cam and Matt won't let them."

"What was that? We won't hurt you. I don't think so. I'll fight you right now!" Some girl said. To Kailor and me. I get scared so I text Matt

Chloe: Help Us Now!
Matt: Babe what's going on?!?
Chloe: Some girl is saying she is about to fight us!
Matt: Alright I'll be right there with Cameron.
Chloe: Please hurry! I'm scared.

"Alright let's go. I'm ready!" She says again pulling her fist back and punching me hard right in the eye. "OWW what the hell? You bitch!" I say holding my eye. And I hear Matthews voice "Baby are you ok?" he says running to me.

"You need some to preppy!" She says to Kailor and punches her in the nose. "Cameron!!! Oww I'm sorry you can't get him but that's not my fault!" She says. "Hey what's going on here?" Cameron says worried. "Ohh me and your girlfriend were just having fun." She says. "Alright you can shut up because that's not fun that's fighting!" He says back.

"Come on Clo let's go back stage." Matthew tells me. "Alright Matt. My eye really hurts. Is it bleeding?" I ask crying. "I dont know baby get Kai and Cam. Well look at it and Kai's nose to." He tells me while pulling me into a hug. "Kai, Cam let's go." I say.

We walk back stage and Kailor's nose starts bleeding bad. "Kai want to stay back here today?" Cameron asks. "Yeah can we? I don't want to go back with those people." She says. "Me either I didn't know people were like this." I tell Matthew.

"Yeah you can stay or come out on stage with me so you don't miss anything." He says giving me ice. "Umm I'll go out cause I really want to be there." I tell him. "Ok baby I'll be by your side the whole time. I don't care what anyone says." He tells me.

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