Chapter Fourty Four

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×Taylor's P.O.V×
I can't believe Cameron had the nerve to ask if he could take Kai somewhere again! I told him no. "Why Taylor are you just so jealous she can't be out of your sight?! For goodness sake you share a hotel room!? He yells in my face.

"You were the one who put us together and why do you want to! You were the one who went off and madeout with another girl! An hour after you and Kailor just into that fight! Which by the way you started!" I yell back. I can see he's mad. "Stop! Taylor Cam stop please. Don't do this. Shawn, Matt, Jack (g) Help!" Kailor yells.

"It's fine Kai I won't let this go anywhere." I say back. That's when Cameron pulled his fist back. I looked at him. I saw his eyes flick to Kai so fast it didn't look real but it was. He looked right back at me. Turned and punched the wall. He stood there breathing heavy and I sat down on the edge of the bed. That's when Matt and Chloe walked in.

Shawn went to talk to them about what happened and then Cameron asked to talk to Chloe. Kailor comes and sits next to me. I hug her and she puts her head on my sholder. We sit and start to rock back and forth. Chloe comes back in "Cam I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you just live with it!" She yells. "We should go." I say to Kailor.

"Alright." She said. I get up and she looks at me and holds out her hands. "Pick me up." She says like a baby. I pick her up and we walk out of the door. I look at her and start running to the elevator. "T-Aaaaayy-l-lerrrr s-stttt-oooopppp!" She says laughing.

We get to the elevator and I put her down. "Tay-Taylor I ca-i can't breathe." She says laughing and stapping her hands on my arms. "Ok calm down its just in and out and in and out." I say pushing the lobby button.

She does as I tell her. I know because I can hear her. I listen In Out In Out. We get out of the elevator. She looks around "Where are we going?!" She says still laughing a little. "The movies." I say taking her hand and walking out of the elevator.

We walk to my car and drive to the movies. "Two tickets for... Clowns please." I say. I choose a scary one because I knew Kailor would get scared and cuddle up to me. We walk into the place and get popcorn with extra extra butter and a Coke Cola. And walk into the cinema.

The movie starts about 30 minutes later. I was watching it when my phone buzzed I looked at it and it said.

F: Is this Taylor Caniff?!?
T: Yes this is he but I'm in a movie right now so I can't talk to you right now beautiful

I turn my phone off. "Who was that?" Kailor asked and then jumped because of a scary part. "A fan I'll change my number tomorrow because she has it." I say. "Oh...ok." She says back paying attention to the movie. She wraps her arm around mine and then jumps again.

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