Chapter Twenty

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×Cameron P.O.V×
"I love you Kailor." I tell her. I really do. I've never felt this way about a fan before. But it's true. I really love her. I want her to come on the tour with us. I will find a way to let her come with us

"I love you to Cameron Dallas." She says. I smile and kiss her again. Then here they come. I hear the screams. "Cam what was that?" She asks me. "That was the scream of fangirls. Some will be supportive and some will want to beat your ass up." I tell her.

"Ohh ok umm let's see how many will hate me after this." She says and pulls me up. She walks with me to the fans and kisses me. I pick her up and hold her. She pulls away and looks at the fans. "OH YOU BITCH!!" "DO YOU WANNA GET HURT?" "LETS FIGHT I DARE YOU TO FIGHT ME." I hear first.

Then I hear "You guys there cute together! I SHIP YOU TWO!!" "ME TO!" "WHATS HER NAME??" "KAILOR. THATS HER NAME!" I scream. "AWWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!! KISS AGAIN!!" "Do you want to?" I ask her. "Duhh just do it." She jumps into my arms and I kiss her.

"Ok you guys we got to go! How many will be at MAGCON let's me hear you scream!" I yell "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" "Well alright then! See you soon!" I tell them and walk away with my arm Kailor's waist.

"Well that was fun!" She says. "Yeah get used to it babe cause you and Chloe are coming on the tour with us!"

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