Chapter Twenty Seven

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×Kailor's P.O.V×
I asked if Cam wanted to get ice-cream because I didn't want to hang out with the boys today. I want to be with Cam. We went to the parlor and he orders Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I order Bubble Gum. And we sit at a booth next to the door.

I take a picture of us and post it on Instagram and tag him in it. "Go like it Cam!" I tell him. "Alright what's your name?" He says getting on Instagram. "It's KailorReeves." I tell him. And I see the like notification and it's him. "Thanks baby." I say kissing him.

'You're welcome I'll follow you so I can see all your pictures. I'll tell the boys to follow you to." He says kissing me back. I put ice cream on his nose and laugh. "You have a little something right there." He tells me. "Where?!" I ask

"Right there!" He tells me putting ice-cream all over my mouth and chin. "What the hell! That's cold Cam!" I say licking it off my mouth. "It ok I got it." He says laughing and grabbing napkins. He wipes my chin and runs his thumb down it slowly.

'Want to get out of here?" He asks quietly like someone's listening to us. "Sure but why are you whispering?" I say giggling. He doesn't say anything just grabs my hand and takes my keys. We drive to the mall.

"Why are we here?" I say confused. "Just wait and see." He tells me back "You got pictures of us on your phone right?" He says opening my door. "Yeah I have tons." I tell him. We walk in the mall and go to tag T-shirt making place.

"Alright choose a picture." He tells me. Are we getting T-shirts that have our picture on it. That's so cute. I look through all of them. And I choose one. We're at the beach and he's holding me up and im looking back at the camera.

"This one. It's my favorite." I tell him. "Ok now I'll pick one from my phone." He tells me. He picks one where were outside on the rode and were touching foreheds and have our fingers forming a heart. "This one." He tells me.

He takes my phone and shows the person both of the pictures and whispers something in his ear. "Alright come back in a hour." He tells Cam taking a picture of both the pictures we choose.

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