Chapter Twenty Eight

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
I wanted to get us something special so I thought of T-shirt we went to the mall so we could go get them. I took the pictures she chose and took the picture I chose and showed them to the man.

I put my picture and put it on her shirt and took her picture and put it on my shirt. I made hers long sleeve and mine long sleeve so we would match. He told us it would be about an hour so we went shopping.

Kailor got some hoodies, shorts, and two pairs of vans. I got tanktops, shorts, and two pairs of vans. When we got done paying I checked my phone and saw a hour went pass so we went to get our shirts.

I told Kai to close her eyes because I put Cameron's Princess on hers and Kailor's Prince on mine. I didn't want her to see. I went to look at the shirts while Kailor sat in a chair with her eyes still closed. "There perfect. Thanks man she will love it." I told him "Your welcome Cameron. You know what just take them. No charge."

"Are you serious?" I ask him. "Yeah anyone who would do that for their girl should be thanked. So this is me thanking you." He tells me. "Well alright then thanks." I say again. I take the shirts and walk over to Kailor. I take off her shirt because I know she has a tanktop under and put it the new one on her.

I also take my shirt off even though I don't have a tanktop under. But I'm a boy so it doesn't matter. I put mine on and say to Kailor "Ok beautiful open your eyes." She does and looks at her shirt in the mirror. "It's beautiful Cam! Let me see yours." She says smiling.

I turn around and show her. "Oh my God! Cameron!" She says with a tear rolling down her face. "I love you Kailor. So much I want to be with you forever." I say hugging her and spinning slowly.

"Thank you so much I love you too." She say sniffing. It was now 7:48pm "Do you want to eat at Don Juan's?" I ask her. "Yeah. I love that place." She says. "Me to let's go." I say wiping her tears away. "Alright. Hey is my makeup smire?" She asks me. I smile and look at her. "No it's perfect."

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