Chapter Seventeen

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×Matthew's P.O.V×
Chloe told me she had to leave so at about 6:30am I knocked on the door and asked if she wanted to hang out before the event. "Yeah hold on let me get ready." She said I waited for a little bit and she came out looking beautiful.

She was wearing a red tanktop with black joggers. Red Van's and a beanie that said I Woke Up Like This. She had cute little black skull earrings on and gold bracelet set. Her hair was curled and had on black fading sunglasses on.

"Wow Chloe maybe I should go change." I say laughing "No you look amazing." She says. "Thanks babe." I say giving her a kiss. "So where are we going?" She says. "Ohh nowhere just walking around the city." I tell her. "Alright I like that. Just the two of us?" "Just the two of us." I say taking her hand.

We walk down and get in a limo I rented. "Wow I've never been in a limo before." She says smiling. "Good I'm glad this is the first one you've been in." I tell her. "To downtown please." I tell the driver.

It takes about 5 minutes to get downtown and Chloe and I are making out in the back. I feel the car stop and hear the driver get out of the car. "Alright I think we're here." I say just in time because the driver opens the door right after. "We have reached your destination sir." He tells us. "Thanks Edwin." I say giving him a fist pump.

We start walking around. I wrap my arm around Chloe's waist. "Where do you what to go?" I ask her. "Umm to the park. I love parks." She says. "Alright." Great I could ask her out there. I was waiting to do this and now I have the chance.

We walk to the park and there are a lot of teen girls there. "Come this way. If they see me they'll go crazy." I tell her. We go up to a little waterfall. And that's when I asked her "Chloe... Can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure what is it?"

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

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