Chapter Twenty Four

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
Kailor is so good at gymnastics. "Who's doing better???" I ask "Matthew?" I hear a lot of screams. "Ok the Jacks???" I hear even more screams. "Kailor and Chloe?!?" And everyone screams even all the boys me included.

"Why thank you." Kailor says bowing. She's so cute. I get a message from Amber a person who works here.

Wrap it up almost time to go!
Already? Please just a little more time!
Nope we have to be out by 5 sorry Cam but you know the rules.

"Ok guys its 4:30 we only have 30 more minutes why do you want to do?!?" I ask the crowd. "CARTER DO THE SHMONEY DANCE!!!!" "KAILOR AND CHLOE DO THE WHIP AND THE NAE NAE!!!" "MATT BE A DINOSAUR!!"

"Ok this is whats going to happen. Carter will dance. So will Kai and Chloe. And then Matt will do his stupid stuff!!!" I say laughing and trying to give Matt a hug. Mahogany starts the Shmoney Song and Carter dances.

I have to say he's pretty good. Then I hear Now watch me whip now nae nae now watch me whip whip watch me nae nae "Alright Kai Chloe let's go." I say excited. They do it and Damn there good. I take a video of it. And Matt does his dinosaur thing.

Taylor dunks on him and everyone laughs. "I love MAGCON!" I whisper to myself. "Alright guys see you tomorrow I'm so excited!!" I say.

"Hey wanna go get ice-cream instead of being with the boys?!"Kailor asks. "Yeah sure are Matt and Chloe gonna stay here?" I ask her. "Yepp just you and me." She says kissing me on the cheek. "Alright then let's go." I say holding her hand.

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