Chapter Twenty Six

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
Ok so I was showing off with the splits and the needle and scorpian. But I really was stretching. "Do a backflip!" Aaron says. "Easy!" I tell him and one. "Alright now a back handspring and a cartwheel then a front handspring." Carter says. "Come on guys this is middle school stuff." I say going into my back handspring.

I do tricks for 30 more minutes. They love my back handsprings I had to do them like 50 times. "It's time to go baby." Matthew whispers in my ear. "Alright baby. Let's go." I say grabbing his hand. "Bye guys see you tomorrow." I say on the way out.

We get into Matt's Lamborghini and drive to the hotel. "What are we doing here?" I ask over the music. "Getting changed. Something nice." He tells me. "Ok." I say getting out of the car. There are a lot of camera flashes when I get out. I get dizzy and fall.

I hear Matthew's voice "Chloe are you ok? Here let me carry you." He tells me. But I can barely hear him. All I can really hear is ringing in my ears. "Oh please God let her be ok." I hear. He carried me to the hotel room and layed me down.

It took me about 10 minutes to come completly back. "Hey baby do you feel ok?" Matt asks me. "Yeah what happened I can barely remember?" I ask rubbing my legs. I always do that when Im nervous. "We got out of the car and paparazzi took pictures and you got dizzy and blacked out for a little bit." He said calmly trying to calm me down.

"We don't have to go if you don't feel up to it." He tells me. "No. No I want to go let me get ready. I won't take long." I say getting up. I decide to wear a strapless dress that's white at the top and black at the bottom. I have a black purse with a bow on it and black wedges on. And I put my hair in a curly ponytail.

I text him.

Alright I'm ready
OK I'll be right down
See you then

I hear a knock at the door and open it to see Nash. "Hey Nash what's up?" I ask confused. "You look so hot. I've had my eye on you since Matthew brought you on stage." He says walking get into the hotel room. He grabs my arm and puts me next to him and trys to kiss me.

"Nash I can't I don't like you like that." I tell him scared. "You don't have to be like that baby. I know you want this. And I want you." He tells me coming closer to me.

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