Chapter Six

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I pull up my sleeves showing my scars. He takes my hands and kisses each of the scars. I start to cry because I'm ashamed of myself. "Hey don't cry. Here turn around."

I turned just like he said. And I felt something go across my back. He is signing my shirt. After all that he's still doing it! "Ok now your phone." I give him my IPhone6 "Sorry I don't have a case just sign it like that I guess." I tell him.

He signs it and puts some numbers after it "What are those?" I asked him confused. "Well that's my name and that right there. That's my number. Text me." DID HE JUST GIVE ME HIS NUMBER!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!

"OMG I could kiss you right now." I said about to cry I was so happy. "Alright." I heard him say. Then he pulled me closed by the hips and kissed me. His lips were warm and plump. It was like the world stopped. He picked me up and wrapped me around him so I was sitting on his lap.

I pulled away for air. "I-im sorry Kailor I-I didn't mean to do that. But ZAYUMMM that was good." I blushed and said "It's ok I should go though because the line and stuff. Bye. I'll text you later!"

I blow a kiss and turn around to find Chloe looking right at me with her mouth open so wide. I point back at Cameron and the nodded and freaked out. I ran to her and told her all that happened.

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