Chapter Fourty

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×Kailor's P.O.V×
Once we got to the hotel and I put my clothes away I lay down with Taylor. I feel him out his arm around me and then I fall asleep. I wake up at 1pm in the afternoon. Taylor and Matthew are watching TV and Chloe's getting ready in the bathroom.

"Hey baby I'm glad you're up. We're gonna go walking maybe to the mall?" Taylor says walking over to the bed. "Yeah I can go to the mall." I say sitting up. "Ok we can do that." He says giving me a kiss.

"Ok let me go get ready." I say getting up. I put on a white crop top that says Parental Advisory and dark blue high wasted shorts. I put on my galaxy vans and a phone case that says Busy Talking Shit on it. I curl my hair and put on one of Taylor's bandanas. A pink one.

"Ok I'm ready Tay we can go." I say pulling down my shorts. "Damn. OK let's go. Do you have your phone?" He says. "Yeah. Come on. I have money so if I see anything I can get it." I say grabbing Taylor's keys. "Don't worry baby I can pay."

We walk out of the hotel and go to his car. "I want to drive. I have a GPS on my phone so on won't get lost." I say getting into the drivers seat. "Alright just drive safe. My parents would kill me if I wrecked this." He says.

We drive and get to the mall 30 minutes later. I park in a spot. "Did I do good?" I ask turning off the car. "Yeah really you did." He says. "Thanks. " I say giving him a kiss. We get out of the car and walk in.

We go to Victoria Secret first so I can get some Pink shirts and stuff. Then Aeropostale and I get shorts and jewelry. Then we go to America Eagle and get some jeggings Taylor even gets some stuff. And the last store we go to is Journeys. I get Cheetah vans and Black Adidas.

We go to the food court and get Chick-Fil-A. "I love this place it's so good." I say to Taylor. "I can tell you practically begged me to take you here." He says taking a drink of his Pepsi. "I know but who doesn't love this place?" I say laughing.

Once were done eating we go downtown because that's where Chloe and Matthew are. We wonder around for about an hour and then just give up. I call Chloe to see where she is and she's gives me these horrible directions.

"Ok umm she said there in the park by the big fish water fountain." I say trying to make to make since of all that. "Uhh I think there was a fish thing farther up the road." He said.

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