Chapter Twenty One

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×Matthew's P.O.V×
"We have to give them what they want." I tell Chloe. "What do they want?" She asks. "This." I say picking her up spin her and then kiss her. I slowly put her down. "Hey guys! This is Chloe... My girlfriend. If you guys really love me you'll support us being together!" I yell over the crowd.

"I SHIP CATT!!!" "ME TO YOU GIYS ARE SO CUTE!" "I JUST MADE AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT OF YOU TWO!!!" "POSE FOR A PICTURE!" Is all the stuff I hear. "Photoshoot?!" I ask Chloe. "Yeah! Let's do this. Can one of you guys take pictures with my phone to?" She asks.

"I Can." "No I can." "I want to. "Me to." "Let me do it." "Please let me Chloe!" She smiles and let's this little girl do it. "Awww Chloe so sweet." I say. "OK PICTURES!!!" We take a lot of them. "Alright guys we got to go to MAGCON. See you later!" I yell.

Chloe gets her phone and looks at all the pictures. And her phone starts blowing up. Everyone starts following her. She went from 1k to 53k in 5 minutes. "Damn look Matt! 53k followers!" She says excited.

"Hey let me see the pictures." I tell her. She gives me her phone and I look at all of them. "Were so cute together." I love all the pictures but one. One I'm literally gonna print out and frame. Chloe is one her tippy toes and I have my hands on her face and were kissing.

"Look at this one babe." I tell her "Oh my God that is my favorite one!" she tells me. "Alright let's talk about this later cause we don't need the boys to find out right away." I tell her "Alright Matt just one more kiss before we go in." She says kissing me.

"Hey guys what's up!" I say walking into the full room. It's 11:00am so everyone is here. "What's up with you and Chloe?! I heard you guys were going out." Carter says. "Uhh how did you hear that?" I say. "Ohh please it's all over California. The star couple Matthew Espinosa and Chloe Rivers." He says back. "Ok then we'll it's true she's my girlfriend. So what's up with you guys?" I ask awkwardly.

"Uhh Cam and Kai are dating to so." Jack G says. "What?!? Kai are you for real?!" Chloe says. "Yepp he asked me today at the beach." Kailor replies. "Alright boys come get ready girls your gonna have to leave sorry." A security guard says. "Alright babe see you soon." I tell Chloe giving her a kiss.

"Bye babe keeping an eye on you the whole time." She says. "Me too. No one will hurt you I promise."

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