Chapter Seven

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I told Chloe about everything. She was the only other one who knew beside Cam about the cuts. My mom doesnt even know. "Wow! I can't believe he kissed you and gave you HIS NUMBER!" "I know I can't believe it either! He also kissed my scars!"

We go to the stage and stand where were so post to and wait for the event to start. "Hey let me see your phone mine is on 50% I have to save it for videos." I tell Chloe. "Alright, I told you to charge it though."

"Just give me your phone." I say laughing. She hands me her phone and I unlock it to see the add contact screen. I scroll down to see all of her contacts. And there it is The Bae Matthew. "Hey who's Matthew?" I ask. Surely it's not Matthew Espinosa. "I don't know text it." She tell me back.

I text the number.

Hey this is Kailor who is this?
This is Matthew.
I know that. But Matthew who?
OMG you gave Chloe your number?!?
Yeah what's so bad about that?
Nothing uhhh I'll be back later.

"Chloe...The bae Matthew is Matthew Espinosa!!!" "Noo stop playing its probably some boy from school." "Look at the texts!" She reads them and her face is priceless. She screams and jumps up and down. "I CANT BELIEVE HE GAVE ME GIS NUMBER!!!!" She screams. "Ok ok calm down! The event is starting!" I tell her holding on the her arm so she can't jump anymore.

All the boys come out on stage and I keep my eyes on Cameron. He sees me and smiles. The music starts playing. It's the lipgloss dance!! "ITS THE LIPGLOSS DANCE!!!!" Chloe and I say to each other at the same time. "Ok Cameron Matt Carter Nash pick a girl to come and dance!" Mahogany says. I scream and and yell "Cam pick me!!!" He come to us with Matthew by his side.

"Would you ladies that we totally don't know like to come and dance for today?" Cameron says. "Duhh Cam who wouldn't!" I say laughing. "Well alright then." He says picking me up and over the gate. Matt picks up Chloe and puts her down next to me. "You know you could of slid the gate open right?" I say giggling.

"Yeah but that was more fun!" He tells me. "Ok well let's go dance!!!" Chloe says holding Matts hand.

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