Chapter Thirteen

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×Matthew's P.O.V×
"Smack Cam!" Cameron yelled. Ohh great I screamed cause it was funny so did Nash and Jack G. "Just beware ok they get crazy and will smack anyone." I tell Chloe. Then Taylor gets smacked. And so does Sam.

I have to do it. I got get conditioner and smack Carter as hard as I could. I started laughing hard. Then I felt something on my cheek. It hurt I turn to see who it was and I saw Sam on the floor laughing.

Then I heard another smack and "OWW What the hell Jack!" It was Chloe. "Did he just hit her?" I ask Carter. "I think so dude." "Alright everybody get as much conditioner on your hands as you can were gonna get Jack." I say

Carter, Taylor, Jack G, Me, Sam, Shawn, Nash, Aaron all put conditioner on our hands. "1-2-3 let's go." We all run into the room and smack Jack. "Smack Cam!" We all scream. "Matthew! Why did you do that?" He says. "You smacked Chloe that's why." I said

"She got me back see!" I did it was a small hand print right on his forehead. It was bright red. "Haha she got you! Good job Chloe." I say laughing giving her a high five.

"Thanks Matt." she smiles and hugs me. I lean down and kiss her. "Oooo Matthew kissed Chloe! Hey Matthew there's a empty room over there I'm pretty sure it has a bed in it." Carter says. "Alright guys let's go and let's them do what they want to." Sam says. "Ohh shut up Sam!" I say laughing.

We go and sit down on a near by couch. "I'm sorry he smacked you. And Carter made a big deal about our kiss." I tell her. "Ohh don't be." She gets closer sits up and kisses me. Her lips are warm and glossy but I don't care. It's perfect until Cam comes. "Chloe can I talk to you." he says and takes her away.

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