Chapter Five

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
"Thanks now my shirt and phone case!" I tell Matthew. "OK come here I'll sign your shirt first." I came closer to him and pulled my long brown hair over my shoulder. I felt him go up my shirt and find a place sign it. "OK, phone" He says reaching out his hand. I put my phone in his hand and turn it over to my Matthew Is My Bae phone case.

He smiled and signed it. "I'll take another picture but of just me." he tells me. "Alright!" I unlock my phone and give it to him. He takes the picture and then does something else. Probably posting it on Instagram

It was taking a while so I went and sat on his lap. He gave me my phone back and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and told him thanks and went to find Kailor. She was with Cameron!! I can't believe it. My best friend was meeting Cameron Dallas.

I walk over there to look and there MAKING OUT!!!

×Kailor's P.O.V×
Chloe was with Matthew for a long time so I went to Cameron's line and waited. I met this girl and she was really cool I got her number but because I was before her I had to leave. I took a picture with Cam and asked him to sign my shirt and phone since I don't have a case just my phone.

"Yeah sure I'll do anything you want Kailor." he says when I ask him to sign my shirt and phone. "Oh OK Cam I see how you are!" I say blushing and pulling up my sleeves because it's kinda hot. Then I see him look at my arms

I quickly pull them down but not fast enough. "Hold on Kailor, was that cuts?" "No. No the were- I-I just scratched my arm th-thats all." I said so nervously I couldn't breathe. "Let me see them. I'll make it better. OK? " He says gently and took my hands. "Ok I guess." I say scared.

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