Chapter Fourty Seven

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×Taylors P.O.V×
I can't believe Cameron is still going on about being with Kailor. He ruined his chances. I'm with Kai not him. After the movie I ask Kai if we can go somewhere. "Yeah can we go back to the hotel though I want to change." She says. I get up and help her up and we go out of the theater and go to the hotel.

I wall down the hall and go to the elevator. I push the ninth floor. We get in and wait till the elevator gets to the ninth floor. "Hey Kai I'm sorry. I just don't want you to be alone with him." I say to her. "I get that but you guts don't have to fight about it every time." She says back. I look at her eyes and see hurt. And then I realize I'm the one doing this to her.

She's crying because of me. This is my fault. I hug her and then the door opens. I wipe the tear going down my fave before she can see it. We walk down to her room and I see a basket. Its filled with all her favorite stuff. Candy, Lotion, Perfume, Animals, and even a pair of Vans.

There's a note. She beats me to it. I see her eyes go from line to line. I watch as she reads it and how tears start to form. Cameron. He did this. She puts the note to her heart and falls to the ground. I sit beside her and she burries her face in my cheast. I pick up the note and read it.

Kailor I'm sorry for all that happened that night. I love you. Just know that. Everyone here loves you. I hope you have a good time at MAGCON.

Wow! He's leaving. "He's such a coward!" I say angrily trying to be quiet. It doesn't work and Kailor looks straight up at me. "What? He isn't a coward Taylor! You are the reason he's leaving. If you would just let him hang out with me instead of being a selfish bitch, maybe he would still be here!" She yells at me.

"Wow! I can't believe you would say that. I'm trying to keep you safe. Cameron is pissed right now. And if he saw you he would bring it out on you!" I yell back. She looks at me with hate. "Well maybe you're just doing this for yourself. You know if you let me hang out with the other boys by myself I would be yours anymore. And right now its true! I'm done see you later Taylor!" She says picking up the basket and note and going to the elevator.

"Kai! I'm not gonna let you walk away come back!" I yell running to her. I grab her arm and turn her around. "Or what Taylor! What will you do? Huh go and kiss someone else because that's happened before! I still love Cameron and because of you, he's gone. So go ahead do whatever you want because I don't care anymore!" She says jerking out of my grip and going on the elevator.

I don't go after her. I know its over. I can't fix it. Nothing can I messed up. I should of just let Cameron be with her again. "I'm such a idoit!" I yell as loud as I can. I slam my fist into a wall. I fall against it. And cry. I cry and cry and my phone

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