Chapter Eighteen

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
"Can you be my girlfriend?" Oh My God!! Matthew Espinosa asked me to be his girlfriend! "Are you serious?!? Yes!" I say "Oh good I thought you would say no." He said laughing. I gave his a kiss and he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I'm so happy!" Matthew says. "Me to want to go get coffee?" I say smiling. "Yeah I think there a Starbucks down here somewhere." He says taking my hand. We go down the path and there are all the girls. Standing in front of us.

"Uhh Matt what do we do?" I ask him holding his hand tighter. "It's fine just keep walking. If they know we're dating the'll try to hurt you." He tells me quietly holding on to my hand like he was going to loose me.

We made it through the crowd but they followed us all the way to Starbucks. "Umm Matthew I don't think the'll leave. They've been following us for 2 blocks." I check the time it's 9:30am so we still have time.

"It's ok just don't look back or anything the people who work at Starbucks will make them leave." He tells me. "Alright let's just hurry." I tell him. "Were almost there I can see it from here." He says. "Ok." I tell him still holding his hand tight.

We get there and the fans try to get in but the security guards won't let them. "Oh thank the lord I thought of was gonna die." I tell Matt. "Why they couldn't of hurt you. I would of let them." Aww he's so cute I love him so much. "Thanks babe. Let's order." I say pointing to the menu.

"Umm I would like a Iced Tazo Tea Lemonade please." I tell the girl. "Alright what's your name?" she asks me "Matthews girlfriend." Matt says. I look at him and smile. "Yeah I would like the Iced Carmel Macchiato." He tells her. "Ok and what's your name?" She says to him. "Umm Chloe's boyfriend." He looked down at me. I got on my tippy toes and kissed him.

I guess some fans saw cause they started cussing me out when we walked out. "Matt what do I do?" I ask him scared "We give them what they want." He says smiling. "What's that?" I ask him grabing him hand. "You see all the people who are mad are new fangirls the people who are like Awww are old fans so we do this."

He picks me up spins me around and kisses me.

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