Chapter Eight

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
Today was the day I meet all my fans. I love all of them. They made this happen. All of it. I drive with Nash to event. We get there and go to hair and makeup. After that's done we go to wardrobe.

I meet all my fans. But there's one that stood out. Her name is Kailor. She's beautiful her long blonde hair. Her smile, blue eyes, tan body from what I can tell. When Mahogany said we could pick a girl I was so excited.

I went strait to Kailor and her friend Chloe. Matt went with me because he liked Chloe. We picked them up and pulled them over the gate. I wanted to show off and I guess Matt did to.

We take them up to the stage and I see Carter looking at Kailor. "Hey, what are you doing?!" I ask Carter "I'm looking at that girl. She's pretty have you met her?" He says still looking at her.

"Yeah her name is Kailor I picked her to dance and I gave her my phone number. She's mine so if you would stop that would be great." I tell him a little mad.

I walk up to Kailor from behind and hug her. I scared her cause she screamed a little. "Hey Cam where did you go?" she says smiling "Oh just to talk to Carter." I tell her. "Can I meet him? I didn't get to cause know." "Umm let's dance first. Cause you know the fans."

The lipgloss song is on so we do that dance. Then the nae nae. And Carter starts and dance off with all the other boys. I go and shimmy with Nash and Kung Fu to. And then Shawn sings the Cameron Dallas Is My Boyfriend song.

I hear Kailor singing. She sings so beautiful like angles. I know that sounds corny but she does. I hear her.

Ohh his eyes ohh I love his eyes
And his smile oh I love his smile
His hair so voluptuous
I just want him no-ow
Cause he's, Cameron Dallas
Is my boyfriend
You can't have him
Cause he's mine

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