Chapter Fourty Three

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×Matthews P.O.V×
Today was a day off so I went with Chloe to downtown. It was about two hours later when Taylor and Kailor found us. "What took you so long?" I ask Taylor. "Well the directions that we got where very vague." Taylor says back to me while looking at Chloe.

"Hey it was the only thing that was a can't miss it thing." She says defensively. "Clo we all know you suck at directions." Kailor says laughing. We walk around for a while and go into stores. "I want Starbucks!" Kailor says pulling on Taylor's arm.

"Ok...I guess we could get some." He says. "Yay!" Kailor says kissing him on the cheek. "I want some to." Chloe says quietly. "Let's all go." I say. We end up all going. I have to pay for all of it because Taylor left his money in the car.

"You're welcome guys." I say trying to act mad. "Oh yeah thanks Matt." Kailor says. "Thanks babe." Chloe says kissing me. "Your lips taste like vanilla." I say to Chloe laughing. She shrugs and drinks more of her coffee.

We finish and go walking more. About an hour later Chloe says "My feet hurt." In a whiny voice. "Awww do yoo want me to cwarry yoo?" I say back. "Yes! Bend down." She says jumping. I bend down and she gets on my back.

She's perched on my back and I say "Are you ready?" "Yeah to the car!!" She says pointing forward. We run to the car. Once I get there I put her down. "Your chariot is ready ma'am." I say bowing. "Thank you fine gentlemen." She says getting in the car.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask starting the car. "Umm Taco Bell. I'm hungry." She says. We drive to Taco Bell and get our food. We go inside though because if the boys saw we had it they would go crazy. I get done and wait for her. "Stop looking at me like that." She says finally. "Like what?" I say smiling.

"I don't know just like that." She says back getting up to throw her food away. "I'm sorry I can't help it." I say back. We get into the car and drive back to the hotel.

We walk in and Cameron standing in front of a hole in the wall, Kailor's crying, and Taylor so mad he's red like a tomato. Aaron's trying to calm Cam down and Shawn's with Taylor. "What just happened?" I whisper to Shawn.

Cliffhanger!!! But thanks guys for 303 Views!!!!! I'm so happy. Keep it up!~ Kisses Hanna

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