Chapter Thirty Eight

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×Matthews P.O.V×
After the whole Kailor Cameron I needed to go to sleep so I went with Chloe to her hotel room. We watched movies and soon fell asleep. Once we woke up and got ready it was time to go. We drive to the event and hang out with the boys.

Kailor and Taylor come in and soon after Cameron. Cam and Taylor talk about something but I don't know what. When Taylor comes out he looks pissed. Kailor whispers something in his ear and it seams to calm him down a little.

"I wonder what happened." I whisper to Chloe. "I know and where's Cameron?"She says back. "I'll go look for him." I say getting up. I go to the other lounge and I see him sitting one the couch crying.

"Hey Cameron." I say sitting next to him. "Hey Matt." He says wiping his tears. "Are you ok? The event is about to start so." I say. "Yeah I'm fine just leave me alone until the event starts." He says back rubbing his eyes. "Alright I'll come and get you when it's time." I say getting up and walking back to the other lounge.

"Is he ok?" Taylor asks. "Yeah he's just wants to be alone till the event starts." I tell him. "Oh ok well it's 11:46 right know so he doesn't have much time to be alone." Carter says. "Yeah I know but let him have that 18 minutes." I say to Carter.

When there is only a minute left I go back to the other lounge and tell Cameron that's it's time to go. We walk out and go on the stage together. I'm glad we have all these fans. If it weren't for them Cameron would be so depressed right now.

We do a lot of random stuff today. Jack and Jack preform a song and Shawn does one to. We have a rap battle and then a roast off. It was so fun. After we say our goodbyes I jump into the crowd. Yes it's crazy but I do it. I did it at the first MAGCON tour to.

When it was all over we all went out to dinner. It wasn't fancy we wore the same clothes we did to MAGCON. Everytime it ended we went to dinner. Sometimes Taco Bell sometime this weird place I can't even pronounce its so fancy.

This time we went to Macaroni Grill. We eat and then we went back to the hotel. I made a Q&A video before we left. And when we're on the road for the next destination I'll post it. "Hey are you coming on tour with us? Because if you want to you can." I say to Chloe. "Ok I don't think my mom would mind I mean she's left for a month at home alone once so." She says back.

"Ok will Kailor's mom let her stay to?" I say putting the last stuff in my suitcase. "Yeah if she's with me." She says getting all her makeup together. "What about Kailor?!" Kailor says exciting. "About how were gonna stay with them until the whole tour ends." I say back.

"Oh My God thanks Matt." She says hugging me. "You're welcome now hurry up we have to be at the airport by 12 it's 11 let's go!" I say hugging her back.

I'm Soooooooooo sorry I didn't update yesterday. I got logged out and couldn't get back in till 12 at night and then I wrote this and fell asleep before I could finish but I will update at least 3 times to day!~Kisses Hanna

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