Chapter Fourty One

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
Today was the only day we had to have fun in the city. So I made the best of it. I woke up and took a shower. Then got ready. I put on a United XXVI shirt and some black pants. I put on maroon Vans and fixed my hair. "Nash I'm going out wanna come?" I yell from the bathroom.

"Yeah hold on." He says back. "Alright I'll go get Aaron and Carter." I say going out the door. "Oh hey just get Sam, Shawn and the Jacks to we'll all go." Nash says turning off the TV. "Ok I'll be back with the fam." I say and go down the hall.

I bang on their door. "Who's there?" Sam asks. "It's a fucking robber open the door Sam." I say laughing. "Ok fine hold on." He says. Carter opens the door. "I thought Sam was going to open it." I say. "Yeah he's trying to put pants on I think." He says laughing.

I walk in a see Sam wiggling on the bed like a worm. "Sam there not gonna fit you've been trying for 20 minutes now." Carter says. "Really 20 minutes Sam?" I say. "They fit last month!" Sam say defensively. "Whatever you say. We're going out come with us." I say.

"Who's all going?" Carter asks looking at his hair. "Me, Nash, Jacks, You, Sam, Shawn, and Aaron." I say. "Alright let's go, Sam put some other pants on." Carter says. "But I'm so close!" He says. "No Sam put on other pants! If you don't you're staying here by your self." Carter says a little frustrated.

"Fine. I'll put shorts on." He says pulling the pants and slamming them on the bed. "Good Aaron Shawn you ready?!" I yell. "Yeah did Sam get those pants on?" Aaron says laughing. "No we made him change." I said. "Good we all knew he wouldnt fit." Aaron says.

We finally all get ready to go and get into the car. "So where we going?" Shawn asks. "Umm amusement park?" I say. "Yeah!" Sam says excited. "Sure I chould have some fun." Nash says. "Ok to the amusement park!" I say.

We drive for 30 minutes and finally find one. It's called Wally's Water And Ride Adventure. "Ok we have one. Wanna go?" I say pulling into the parking lot. "Yeah

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