Chapter Fourty Nine

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×Kailors P.O.V×
So Carter is going first and I don't know who's challenging him so I ask "Ok so who is challenging him?" "You go." Matthew says. Ok I think about it and I got it "Carter you have down a shot of hot sause." I say. "I'm not doing that again! That shit hurt. Right Matt." He says laughing. (A/N if you're a true true fangirl you know that reference.)

"Aww is little Carter scared?" Shawn says. I get up and get the hot sauce. Its the hottest one from Buffalo Wild Wings and pour it in a shot glass. "Here you go. Drink up." I say handing it to him. "You guys suck." He says drinking a little of it. It touches his lips and he spits it out. "AHHHH! You have to do a dare!!! Kai pick." Aaron says. "Ok let me look." I say grabbing my phone.

There so many.

I dare Aaron to lick Matthews foot
I dare Kailor to go to security and flip them off
I dare Shawn to take his shirt off
I dare Carter to do a Kailor impression
I dare Matthew to eat something the fam makes

And more and more. "Ok here's one from Anitra Gold. I dare you to do an impression of me." I say to Carter. "Easy. OH MY GOD did you guys see the new dancing with the stars episode?!? It was great I thought it was amazing!!" Carter says in the girlyest voice ever. "That's so her Carter!!" Sam says laughing. Aaron falls on the floor laughing and Matt can't breath. "Hey I don't sound like that and I'm not all that obsessed with Dancing With The Stars ok." I say punching Carter.

"Ok-ok next one uhh Kailor goes." Shawn says trying to catch his breath. "Ok who's challenging me?" I say. "Me! Your best friend." Sam says. He looks around for a little while. "You have to go to the bathroom and drink as much mouthwash as possible." He says. "Oh my God. I hate mouthwash!" I say running to the bathroom. I trip on one of Carter Vans and fall on my face. "I'm alright." I yell laughing.

I get to the bathroom and drink like a sip of mouthwash. "No that's not good enough you get a dare!" Matt says from behind the camera. "Damn it." I say. "Ok Sam give me a dare." I say preparing for the worst. "I dare you to text Jack G and ask him out." He says handing me my phone. I take it and text him.

K: Hey Jack...will you go out with me?
J: Uhh yeah

"What do I do he said yes." I say laughing. "You go out with him duhh!" Aaron says. Ugh fine. "Matt your turn." Carter says.

After we make the video I have eggs in my hair and lipstick all over my face. Aaron is about to die of laughter. Matthews stomach will probably kill him. Sam's in the hospital with a cut foot. (A/N again true true fangirl reference.) "Ok well that was fun." I say getting up. "Yeah I hope Sams ok though." Aaron says. "Yeah he cut his foot pretty good." Matthew says. My phone rings and I see its Taylor.

"Are you gonna get that?" Aaron says. "No its Taylor I don't want to answer it." I say letting it ring. "Well I'll get it." Matthew says. He answers it. "Hello?" He says and walks out of the room. "So should we go and visit Sam?" Shawn says. "Yeah let me take a shower real quick." I say running to the bathroom. I hop over Carters shoes this time and don't fall.

I take a quick 5 minute shower because I just had to wash my hair. I straighten my hair and put on a Under Armor hoodie and shorts and some white converse. "Ok let's go." I say to everyone. We drive to the hospital and go to see Sam. On the way to his room I see Chloe. "Oh my God! Chloe!" I scream. Shawn and Aaron turn around because there the only ones still in the hall. I run into the room and sit next to her.

"Ma'am you can't be in here." A docter says. "I don't care this is my best friend so you can go! Bye." I say with a tear running down my face. "I understand-" I cut him off. "No you don't understand I have to be here. I'm not leaving." I say back. The docter comes up to me and picks me up. "Put me down!!" I scream kicking him. "Hey what do you think you're doing!" Aaron yells.

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