Chapter Twelve

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
"Kailor truth or dare?" Jack asks. I hope she picks truth or she'll have to do something like kiss someone or something like that. "Dare." I get her say. Shit! Something is about to happen. "I dare you to change into this dress right here right now." Jack says.

"Jack I-I don't think that's a good idea." I tell him. I don't want her to be embarrassed. No other boy knows about the scars. I don't want them to. "It's Ok Cameron I can do this." She says. But I know she can't. I can see she can't. I see she's scared. So I try to stop it.

By going to the bathroom. "What can I do, what can I do?" I look at the shower. And I see it hotel shampoo. "Smack Cam!" I say duhh everyone can't stop once it starts. I put alot on my hand and go back to the lounge. I walk behind Jack and smack.

"Smack Cam!" I scream. "OOOOOOOOOOO!!" Matt, Nash, And Jack G yells. And now it's started. "That should hold them off till we leave." I whisper in her. "Thank you Cam. I could of never done it." She says hugging me. I feel a wet drop on my shirt.

She's crying. I can't let anyone see her like this. I whisper "Hey Kailor it's OK I'll take you out of the room. Alright we'll go somewhere else." "Al-alright thanks I d-don't want anyone to s-see me." she says.

I pick her up and carry her out. Her face is still buried in my shirt. I put her down on the couch in the other room. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her calmly "I don't know why this happened to me. Why im always being bullied. I don't even do it anymore. I just want them to go away." She says crying harder now.

"Do you want Chloe here?" I ask. "Yeah please. Go get her." "Alright baby I'll be back with her." I walk back into the lounge and find Chloe making out with Matthew. "Uhh Chloe can I see you real quick." I ask. "Come on Cam this couldn't have waited?" Matt says.

"Chloe just come with me." I say. "Ok I'm coming." I hold out my hand and pull her up. "What's this about?" she asks. "Kailor she's crying and she needs you." I say quitely so make one hears but her.

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