Chapter Sixteen

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
At about 11:00pm we get to the hotel. I carry Kailor up to the room and lay with her until we fall asleep. I talked to Chloe after Kai fell asleep. "You know before she met you she wouldn't stop talking about you?" She said.

"No I didn't think she was like that." I told her back "Like what?" She asks. "You know a fangirl. I though you brought her here not the other way around." I told her "Nope she called me crying saying her mom bought tickets and were going." She said laughing.

And that was it. I fell asleep and so did she. I woke up at about 6 and decided to get Starbucks for Kailor before she got up. I got back and saw a note.

Cameron or Kai who ever reads this first. Matthew and I went out before the event. We'll meet you there. Xoxo {Chloe}

I picked up to note and threw it away and waited for Kailor to wake up. About 30 minutes later she woke up. "Good morning baby." I say. She let's me pick out her clothes and I give her the coffee and take some to.

We leave the room and she drives to the event. Since she's with me we go to the back entrance. "You can't come out with me they won't let me. You can stay until the event starts though. It's 8 right now and it starts at noon so we have time." I tell her holding her hand as we walk in through the back.

"Alright but I'm spending every minute with you till then Ok?" She says sweetly. "Alright baby and when you have to go I'm keeping my eyes on you the whole time during the event." I say smiling and pulling her into a kiss.

When we walk in Carter and Sam are there. But that's it. "I guess all the other guys will get here later." I tell Kailor. "Alright besides I haven't met them yet." She says "Well we can now if you want." I say walking her towards them.

"Hey my names Carter." "And I'm Sam!" "I know I follow all you guys on twitter and instagram." She say laughing. "Ok then you know im single." Sam says smiling. "Haha nice try Sam. Now go back and play with your Xbox." I say "And besides she's not. " I add. "I'm not?" She asks me. "Nope. Kailor will you be my girlfriend?"

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