Chapter Thirty Seven

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×Cameron's P.O.V×
I heard Kailor coming back into the hotel room. I stood up because I knew she was mad at me. When she got into the room she slapped me. I couldn't believe it. "What the hell Kai?!" I yell. "Oh don't what the hell me how could you do that to me?! Tell me that you love me then go off kissing her!" She yells back.

"I didn't mean it Kai I'm sorry!" I say trying to hold her hand. She jerked away. "Don't touch me and don't call me Kai anymore!" She yells. I pull back. I look at her. I'll never get her back. I feel a tear run my face.

"Oh don't cry I know you don't mean it. If you really loved me that bitch wouldn't be here!" She says pointing her hand at Hanna. "I know im sorry I should of just came to find you instead of getting someone else." I said to her.

I could see she didn't love me anymore. She didn't feel the same about me anymore. "Here take your fucking shirt back! I don't want it!" She says taking off the shirt showing her arms. I look down I guess she thought I was looking at them.

"Yeah I cut everyone! And I'll have more tonight! Thanks Cameron." She yells so everyone can hear. "Kai. Stop let's go." Taylor says stepping in between us. "Yeah Tay. I don't want to be here." She says taking his hand and walking out.

"Wow Cam you got mad!" Sam says. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm gonna go to bed." I say. "Hanna will you leave I'll call you tomorrow." I ask. "Yeah babe. Love you see you tomorrow at the show." She says kissing me.

I go to sleep and wake up the next morning to everyone gone. "Where is everyone?" I look at my phone. I have a text. From Taylor. "Great just what I need." I said. I look at it anyway.

T: Why would you do that to Kai. She really loved you man.

I read it and layed back down. It was 8 I needed to get ready for MAGCON but I didn't want to. I layed in the bed for 30 minutes then got up. I put on a Cameron Dallas hoodie and some jeans, I had maroon vans next to the bathroom so I just put those on and drove to MAGCON.

On the way I heard the song Chains By Nick Jonas. It was Kailor's favorite song. I turned the station I didn't want to think about her. I got to MAGCON and walked into the lounge and everyone stopped and looked at me.

I saw Taylor and Kailor holding hands and cuddling. It made me want to punch him. She wasn't his she was mine. I wanted her back. "Can I talk to you?" I ask Taylor quietly. "Yeah you can right here in front of everyone." He says. "Taylor please?" I ask. "Fine where?" He says annoyed. "The other lounge." I say walking to the other lounge.

Taylor comes and sits on the couch "What?!" He says. "I want to know if I could take Kai somewhere after the event?" I ask/say. "No. Not alone. You can bring me, Matt, or Chloe." He says fixing his bandanna. "Why do you have to be such a bitch?" I ask annoyed.

"Oh so now I'm the bitch. Wow at least I didn't make someone feel special and then leave them and then get someone else the same day! Hour even!" He yelled. "Taylor it was a mistake I didn't mean it!" I yelled back. "Whatever no. You can't take her anywhere. Not even with me!" He said walking out of the room.

"Great I ruined it all!" I yelled I went to the couch and put my head in the pillows. I screamed as loud as I could.

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