Chapter Thirty

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×Matthew's P.O.V×
I can't believe Chloe still says to go. After all that happened. So I go to get ready. I get up there and wait a couple minutes to figure out what I want to wear. When I figure it out over a text from Chloe saying she's ready. I still have to take a shower and get dressed and everything.

But I say I'll be there soon. I take a shower and put on a black suit with a white tie. I have black leather shoes on and I put in some Axe. I head to the elevator when I get a text.

Chloe: Help Nash is here and he's scaring me!
Matt: I'll be there soon just don't give in Chloe alright I'm in the elevator right now!
Chloe: Please hurry!

"What the hell Nash!" I scream in the elevator. I push her floor number 9. And go down. "Hurry up elevator my girl needs help!!" I say. When I get to the ninth floor I run to Chloe and Kailor's room. I bang on the door. Nash answers it with no shirt or pants on.

"Ahh Matthew nice to see you made it." He says. "Yeah I wish I could say the same to you. What the hell are you doing here Nash!" I yell at him. "Just showing Chloe a good time." He says smirking. This pissed me off. I kick him in the balls and push passed him.

I see Chloe tied in a chair with no clothes on. "Matthew help get me out please!!!!" She screams crying. I try to cut the rope but I can barely see because of the tears in my eyes. Both of anger and sadness. I was pissed at Nash for doing this and sad because I had to see Chloe like this.

I finally got her out of the chair. I hugged her like I haven't seen her for years. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you because I'd he did-" She cut me off "Yeah Matt I'm fine he didn't hurt me. I just want to put my dress back on and leave." She tells me still crying.

"Go put your clothes back on we'll leave and do anything you want. I'll drive you back home I don't Cade whatever you want." I say. I'm crying now I'm so mad and sad. I can't believe he would do this to her. I walk up to Nash "Don't you EVER do that shit again Nash! Do you hear me if you hurt her, even put a hand on her I promise you won't be able to sleep at night!" I say so close to his face if I moved any closer I would touch him.

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