Chapter Fifty

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×Camerons P.O.V×
I woke up five hours later and went to baggage claim. It took about 20 or so minutes to get my stuff. I called a rental car since mine was still in San Deigo. I got one like Matthews but gold. It was really nice with the leather seats and stuff. I got in and drove to Hot Springs and checked into the Austin Hotel. Its somewhere downtown.

I post and instagram picture saying.

Hey guys. I'm taking a break from the group for a bit. Sorry. I'll be back in Maimi though!

I go to my room and place my stuff down. I wonder what's fun around here. I should go walking downtown I mean its literally right there. I get changed and shower and walk down to the lobby. Its nice outside about 80 degrees so pretty warm. I wall down the sidewalks and past the sign that says Welcome to Hot Springs Hometown of Bill Clinton. I didn't know that.

I walk for a while and decide to go to the mall. I get into my car and put Hot Springs Mall and drive. It take 30 minutes to get there. I walk in and go straight to Aeropostial. I mean I've got to check up on my clothes. When I get there I see this cute girl and her two friends. One is wearing a UNITED XXVI shirt. She has to be my friend. I walk over to her from behind. Her other friend sees me. I hold up my finger to my face so she won't tell.

I keep walking and stand right behind her. Her friend turns around again and I nod my head to her friend. The one with my shirt one. "Uhh Hanna...look behind you I think you're in trouble from climbing on the door." Her friend says. "Oh sure Jaylin." She says and turns around. "Uh hey I think you stole my shirt." I say pointing at it.

Hanna was her name. It takes her a minute and she just looks at her friends. "Hanna that's Cameron fucking Dallas!!" The tall one says. "Annie! I know I just can't talk!" She says and then puts her face in her hands. Aww I hug her and she hugs me back. "So what are you guys doing?" I ask them. "Nothing just hanging out!" Hanna says. "Cool can I hang out with you?" I ask.

"Y-you want to hang out with us?!?" Hanna says jumping up and down. "Duhh Hanna who wouldn't want to!" Jaylin I think that's her name says. "So that's a yes..?" I say. "Yes!!" Hanna says hugging me again. She seams so cool. We walk around the mall and go into Victorias Secret. "Why are we here?" The tall one asks. I can't remember her name. "Cause girl I need a new bra!" I say in the most valley girl voice I can do.

Hanna starts laughing. "Let's go see what size you are!" She says. She takes my hand and goes to find a worker. "Uh yeah he needs a fitting." She says. "Oh ok he looks like a 38D." The girl says. I go and look in that section. "Hanna come help me!" I say over exaggerating. "I'm coming Cam!" She says skipping over to me. I hold up a pink cheetah print one and a blue lace one. "Which one..? I can't decide!" I say still in my valley girl voice.

"Umm the blue one." She says. "Thanks girl!" I say. I buy the bra and the we go and sit down somewhere. "So how old are you guys?" I say trying not to sound creepy. "I'm 13 and so is Annie and Jaylin." Hanna says. "Cool. I'm 19." I say. "I know! Your birthday is literally 6 days after mine!" Hanna says. "Aww dang I want to have mine on yours you seam so cool!" I say. She smiles and waves her hands in front of her face.

"Can we take a picture?" She asks pulling out her phone. "Only if i cam have your number." I say. She gives it to me and I put her under Little Sis. "Hey im not little!" Hanna says. "Ro me you are little sis." I say laughing. We take a billion pictures. She looks down at her phone "Damn we got to go. Bye big brother! I'll miss you!" She says hugging me.

They leave and I just hang out for a little longer. Wow! I feel so much better. And now I have a little sister. This was a great plan.

Ok this was a long chapter and I think I'm going to end it here. I'm doing another book like a part two! PLEASE COMMENT ON WHAT YOU GUYS THOUGHT! I KNOW YOU CAN IT DOESNT TAKE MUCH TIME SO PLEASE DO IT!!~ Kisses Hanna

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