Chapter Thirty Six

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×Kailor's P.O.V×
I was so scared. What if he didn't take me back? What if he already had someone else? How much of an idiot I would look if there was someone else. I told Matthew I was ready anyway. I just wanted to get it done.

We drive to the hotel. I take a picture and post it on instagram Wish me luck going to talk to Cameron about something... Was the caption. I look on Cameron's page and I'm still there.

#Twentydaysofdallas is here click the link below for a new video Give the video a THUMBS UP 12/16/14

I also click on a new picture it says

So I've been getting a lot of shit about her... And honestly I don't care.

I read it and thought this will be easy. He will take me back. We got to hotel and walk in the room. I see Cameron and I walk to him and then I see another girl. "Cam-" I say then I stop.

He kissing her. He's not just kissing her, he's making out with her. I can't believe him. Was I the one he was talking about in the picture? Or was it her? "Let's go!" I say a little to loud to Kailor. Cameron hears me and turns around.

I see his face I start to feel my tears build up. No I can't cry. I have to seem like im not hurt. I can do it. A tear runs down my face. I run out. I run to the elevator and try to open it. When I hear footsteps running to me.

"Save it Cameron I don't need you bull shit right now!" I say turning around to see Taylor. "Ohh hey Tay sorry I thought you were Cameron." I tell him. He doesn't say anything just pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry Chloe. I don't know what happened I didn't even know she was here. I'm sorry." He says.

I hug him tight crying. "Why would he do that! Just today he told me he loved me. Now he's kissing another girl!" I say sobbing. "Hey.  Look at me." He said pulling my hair out of my face. I look up at him. "It's ok if he wants to hurt you like that let him! Don't be hurt because he's being a bitch." He tells me looking straight into my eyes.

He leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back. "I-Im sorry I didn't m-mean to do that." He says embarrassed. "It's Ok youre a good kisser." I told him blushing. "Umm want to get out of here?" He asks rubbing his neck. "Yeah just let me go and talk to Cameron real quick." I say.

I start getting angry again so I walk down the hallway stomping kind of. Taylor sees it and runs after me. He grabs my arm and pulls me around. "You shouldn't talk to him right now. You're angry let's go now." He says picking me up. I kick my feet because I want to talk to him now. "Taylor let me down or I will scream!" I say thinking it will work.

He puts his hand over my mouth. I lick it but it doesn't seam to bother him and he keeps going. We get back to the elevator and he pushes the button for it to open. When it does he puts me down and grabs my hand.  He walks into the elevator and tugs on my arm a little. "Come on Kai." He says. "No. Let me talk to Cameron and then we'll go." I say

"Fine but I'm going with you." he says letting go of my hand. I run down the hall walk into the room and slap Cameron as hard as I could.

Hey guys how's the new twist?!? Sorry if I made you mad~ Kisses Hanna

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