Chapter Thirty Nine

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×Chloe's P.O.V×
After I get done packing my suitcases I go to the car with Matthew. I ride with him and Kailor rides with Taylor. We're almost there and I ask Matt "How are we gonna get on the plane we don't have tickets?" "I'll take care of it. Don't worry." He says parking.

"Ok will you pop the trunk? So I can get my luggage?" I say getting out of the car. "I've got it. Just go inside and wait for me." He says poping the trunk. "Ok I'll be by the door." I say walking to the door. It's kinda cold so I rub my arms.

"Ok let's go inside." He says putting his jacket around my arms. "Ok but I wasn't cold." I say walking into the hall. "Sure. I saw you rubbing your arms." He says sarcastically. I punch him in the arm. "Ooowwww that hurt Clo." He says obviously faking. "Ohh come on let's just go." I say walking.

"Ok let's go get you guys tickets." He says. "Alright let's go." I say holding his hand. "Ok I think it's this way. I don't know I'll call Shawn he'll know." He says pulling out his phone and finding his contact. He calls him and then I guess he knows what he's doing.

He takes my hand and walks till we get to the place. "I need two tickets to Chicago please." He says. "Alright I need ID for the tickets." She says holding out her hand. "Umm hold on I'll call my... Dad." He says calling Cameron.

He walks away for a minute and then hangs up. "Ok he's coming." He says smiling. "Alright." She says back kinda annoyed. "What did you do?" I whisper into Matthews ear. "Let's just say when he gets hear call him dad Ok?" He whispers back. "Alright is he almost hear?" I say looking around.

"I think so." He says. "Oh I see him." I say keeping eye on him. "" Cameron says. "Hey I thought you already bought our tickets?" I said to him. "Yeah I bought Matts here but not your sisters. Here's is she?" He asks looking around. "Umm I don't know. Can we just get the tickets?" I say.

30 minutes go by and we finally get the tickets and Kailor got here with Taylor. We talk for the rest of the time and then our plane gets called. We have first class so we go first. I sit next to Matthew and Kailor sits next to Taylor.

We get to Chicago and get off the plane. I go to baggage claim with everyone and get my bags. We get into a limo and drive ringer hotel. Cameron's on the phone with someone talking about the room arrangements until we get there.

"Alright Kailor and Chloe you're with Matthew and Taylor. Don't do anything. Shawn and Sam you're with Aaron and Carter. And Nash you're with me and the Jacks." He says still looking at Kailor.

We go to our room and I put my stuff away. So does Kailor. Matthew and Taylor just lay down and go to sleep. It's 6 in the morning and I was tired to so I layed next to Matthew and go to sleep.

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