Chapter 26: Shadowplay

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Hours passed on, and Y/N was finally starting to wake up, she was knocked out once she finally tried to put up another fight, otherwise it would raise suspicion. Y/N looked up, letting her eyes get adjusted to the blinding lights. After that she spotted them.

As (Y/N) was watching every move they made, she tried to listen also. But it was no use, the soundproof glass restricted her from hearing a single sound. She was given another cell after the last incident of her escaping. Killing a few clones in the progress. She still couldn't believe how she got caught, even better, how little of a show she needed to put on. She thought that she needed to rant about something before they would get to her.

But here she was, locked in a prison, deeper in the Jedi Temple. A special place, made for Sith Lords. If one would escape, they couldn't. She tried to get loose of her chains, but that was also a lost cause, since she would tug on them, trying the force on them, and just realizing it wasn't going to work. She finally realized she sat deeper down in the prison. 

She looked up, narrowing her eyes at Obi-Wan, when Yoda took off. The door opened, but she kept calm, just the aggression towards Obi-Wan was easy to spot on her face. He stepped in the cell, crouching down and sighing.

"I'm sorry for how it went. I didn't know, really I didn't." He started, but the only response he had gotten was (Y/N) spitting in his face. Obi-Wan knew it wasn't a good moment to explain further, since she was already ready to grab his neck and strangle him. But she knew better, she knew he was lying since it was meant to be this way. She didn't need to make an attempt of escaping. It was meant for this to happen. Only, the Jedi in front of her didn't know that, and neither did the council.

"So uncivilized." He muttered. 

"You're the one to say, Kenobi. Now get me out of these, so I can kill you with my bare hands." Y/N spoke up, she still knew she had an act to keep up. And this humiliating position made the act more believable. Y/N already felt angry for this, she knew that Obi-Wan didn't want this in the first place, but still, he let it happen. She knew, like she repeated to herself already before, that it was part of the plan. But if it was up to her, she wouldn't even do this.

"We both know that would be very unwise of me to do." Obi-Wan stood up, How would he explain to her, that he just had granted permission from Yoda to try and turn her into a Jedi. There was still good in her and there is always a way back, she would be the first maybe. But there is always one thing for the first.

"I'll be back for you once you calmed down." He explained, turning away. (Y/N) just huffed not giving him the satisfaction of speaking once more.

Y/N looked around, sighing to herself. "So far, my trials. Sidious better be right or I'll kill him with my bare hands, heh. Imagine." She spoke to herself. She moved a bit, getting herself into a comfortable position to meditate. Trying to spend her time a bit as she waited for the order to make their next move.


Obi-Wan had returned, (Y/N) her eyes were closed, head slightly bowed down. She was just meditating. He smiled at the sight, he couldn't show the others what his true intentions were earlier that day. But he surely found Y/N still as beautiful as he could remember. 

Even after a year Y/N looked the same, while he just got older. Wrinkles started showing around his eyes, and he wasn't even 34 yet. Obi-Wan entered the cell silently, making no sound and still Y/N just felt his eyes on him, noting her that he was here.

"I can feel your eyes on me Kenobi." Y/N spoke up, smiling to herself as she remembered herself saying that once before. "It's hard not to." Obi-Wan replied, crouching down before her again. "You still look the same." Y/N snickered. "Of course, it only has been a year." She shot back.

"I want you to know, that I really didn't know-" Y/N cut him off. "You're lying." Obi-Wan stood up, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."

"You raised your lightsaber at me Kenobi. Don't say you are sorry. This was your plan all along." Y/N spoke, acting like she was hurt. And in fact, it did, only a bit, but it did hurt her. "They caught your message before I could, believe me. If I knew before them, I would have been there alone." Obi-Wan explained.

"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" Y/N narrowed her eyes again, her breathing growing more rapid. "I- I can't find a reason. At least not now, I know I have broken your trust." He got back down on the floor, getting seated next to her, he felt relieved that Y/N her aggression level had dropped. But he rather had an aggressive Y/N than a hurt one.

It made him feel sick.

"To imagine that I wanted to come and tell you that I- No never mind." Y/N looked down, her voice fading after she wanted to mention her reason for visiting him. "No, please, tell me." Obi Wan tiled her head so he could look into her (E/C) eyes. Only for Y/N to slap his hand off of her. Keeping her head high, refusing to speak as she looked down on him in disgust.

Obi Wan felt the hurt but tried once more. "I really am sorry Y/N. I really want you to know that." 

"To heal myself Kenobi, I went to hell. I hope you know what it is like to fight your mind." Y/N said after hearing him sincerely apologize. "I don't really know, I'm sorry for what you needed to do."

"Stop apologizing Kenobi. Get out of my sight, I'm still more than prepared to strangle you to death." Y/N said plainly, making Obi Wan flinch. 

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