Chapter 5: Hunt or be hunted

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A few years later, 9 years to exact, you were getting more and more familiar with the field work. The first years were heavy, but you made it every time. And you became one of the best apprentices that Dooku ever had. You had the pleasure of finally getting to know Lord Sidious and General Grievous. 

You got your own army not even a few months later. You worked hard after the last events in the training room. And every month, you visited the planet Tatooine, trying to find a trace of Obi-Wan. You just couldn't go unnoticed to the Jedi temple to just kill the man. 

And as we continue the events, you still didn't make it officially as a fully trained Sith Lord. But you were getting there. The order saw sometimes a glimpse of you, but hey could never name you, never see the face behind the mask, the only thing they could officially place was that you were a woman that trained under Dooku.

(3th POV) 

Y/N was talking to her master, confirming that she needed to go once more on her monthly mission. Dooku praised her ways, it is not often that a Sith Lord makes such a hunt on Jedi's. Of course, there is always a form of hunt on both sides, but Y/N did really make it a life goal at this moment. Her anger fueled her.

"I need to admit, you surely have the title of Jedi hunter."

"It sounds good right? People fear it, but not all. I need something to make it better." Looking down at her boots, hands clinging to her hips, she looked back up smiling.

"What?" Her master sounded annoyed with her. The respect for the young Y/N was there, even stronger than before, but she still had her moments.

"Later master. I'm still working it out. I need to go, if there is something wrong, you know how to contact me." Dooku just waved her off at this. And so Y/N went to the hangar were her ship was standing ready to take off. A few of her droids were on it. Some were just for defending and security, others for flying the thing. She just happened to be more invested with maps.

An hour went by and Dooku was being busy with the orders he had given by Lord Sidious. He was going over everything to see if he hadn't missed anything. Until he was disturbed by one of the droids.

"What now!" He exclaimed, at the exact same moment the ship gave a bit of vibration.

"We're under attack sir." The droid alerted quickly.

"Of course we are. Anything else to add?"

"We already launched an attack back."

"Good good. Keep them off, if we can't, we'll get ready to take a hyperspace launch." He waved the B1 droid off and got back to his unfinished business. While there was a space battle going on, between a dreadnoughts and a republic cruisers containments. the star fighters and tri fighters against clones. Two other smaller ships were noticed, fighting off the droidships.

One of them got into the hangar of the separatist while the other didn't make it on time. The hangar was closing when most of the droid battleships were out. Dooku gained the news and went to the hangar with a few extra droids. 

"Look who we got here." Dooku surrounded the Jedi in mere seconds. There was no way he could fight himself out of this.

"General Kenobi, how nice of you to join us. Really, this makes it a lot easier for someone who would love to talk to you." He spoke out, a small smirk showing on his features. He nodded to a droid to take his saber away. While others pushed him down on his knees, hands above his head.

"What are you talking about?" Kenobi asked him.

"You will see very soon. Now be a good Jedi and follow us." since he was forced back on his feet and pushed forward he looked at his surroundings. Trying to find a way to escape, he was met with disappointment when he was quickly forced into a closed off room. He sat in a chair, special bindings around his wrists, a room were the force was of no use.

"Now she will be here soon." 

"She?" Kenobi questioned but Dooku left him without another word.


Y/N was looking at the charts calculating every move of the order. Her scouts were good at what they did, maybe because you were scary enough for them to not mess things up. At the command center of the ship they were calling out her name multiple times. The narrowing of her eyes told it all. Y/N was concentrated on something and they did disturb her.

"What." She asked plainly not even bothering to look up at them. Her arms were crossed while she was sighing deeply.

"The dreadnought of Count Dooku has requested your attention."

Y/N finally looked up and walked forward so she was in sight of the hologram. 

"Apprentice, I may have something interesting for you."

"Do tell me."

"The one you were looking for? General Kenobi has been spotted on our ship and was captured. You aren't that far away, seems like you could get here in less than 45 minutes. We will keep him occupied."

"I'll come back straight away master."

"See this as a reward for your hard work over the past years." and with that, Y/N was left standing there.

"Seems like the hunter got it's prey." She whispered to herself smirking. Her quote for the last years was hunt or be hunted and it seemed like it finally payed off.

A/N: And now the good stuff will begin xoxo

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