Chapter 6: Mystery

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Minutes passed like seconds, but it gave away a feeling of long hours. Obi-Wan was still sitting in his chair, trying to get loose. Nothing worked at the end, so he gave up fora split second and with the intention of just fining out who was the mystery woman.

Obi-Wan was stuck, captured by the Seperatists and there was absolutely no escape until his padawan Anakin or another Jedi would arrive. The room was dark, almost black but the light that cam under from the door, gave him something to see. He just sat there, no idea where he was nor did he know who would show up. Well he knew it would be a woman, but was he going to recognize the woman or not?

The door opened, light that fell under the small gap was finally filling the room, sound of heels on the floor made him look up. He couldn't believe it, the apprentice of Count Dooku. It was his childhood friend. Not exactly his childhood, more like, yours. But he always liked you. Even when you were little. You were nice and good mannered. Interested in what he did. After the last time you saw each other, you weren't officially an adult, but he just couldn't help himself of remembering your face.

He was counting down to the next encounter, whenever that should have been. Just a time later, so he could get to know you. He knew it was wrong because of the code, but he was still young and a padawan. Now? He was stunned to speak, he saw you standing there. This was not the encounter he was hoping for. And to add to that, Obi-Wan was now a Jedi master. He could forget everything about you when that happened. But he still kept a vague image of you inside his mind.

"(Y/N)? Is - is that you." Obi-Wan stuttered while blinking a few more times. He needed to admit, the last time, you already became a beautiful woman, but now, the black suited you, he was lost for words. A small tug at his heart made him rethink his code for a second.

(Y/N) could read his mind as an open book. She did admit to herself, it was funny seeing him there and then, giving away their past together as friends. But she reminded herself why she was here. She didn't let go of her stern expression and stood in front go him, arms crossed, leaning on one side of her feet.

Back then, the Jedi rules weren't that special for him. But now it meant everything for him, after what happened to his master. Y/N could only notice that Obi-Wan his mind was focused on how this happened, how he never noticed the last time.

"Yes it's me. Isn't it obvious?" She mocked him as she grabbed a nearby chair and sat directly in front of him, noticing a gulp from the Jedi.

"You are the new apprentice?"

"I wouldn't call myself new. I have been this way since I was like 9 or so." She leaned back in her chair, arms resting behind her neck. Y/N tilted her head, narrowing eyes to observe his facial expressions.

"But the last time-"

"Last time we saw each other, you were too busy looking down at me like some meat. You didn't even noticed my lightsabers." Y/N snapped at him. She was right though, she could remember how she was called beautiful by him, how his eyes let themselves roam freely over her body, and he couldn't even spot the lightsabers she carried with her.

"So you never-" Y/N cut him off once more:

"Went bounty hunting? No, never did that. Always here training. It was a cover since I never left the training field."

"I want to say sorry, I want to apologize for the way I made you feel that day. And I know you still have a good heart (Y/N). You could leave this path and join the order." Obi-Wan tried. It was his only way to escape at this moment.

"Are you for real right now?" Y/N her eyes grew bigger at this, letting Obi-Wan think she liked the idea.

"Yeah, of course! you don't have to do this." He stopped speaking when he heard Y/N laughing in delight.

"You really thought I was going to let you go and follow you back to the order? Oh you are funny, Maybe 7 years ago? But let me tell you, the last 5 years have been the worst and the best of my life! What you did, that night when I left Mos Eisley, made me rethink our connection. I started to work harder, the anger and hate made me the person who I am now."

"What did I do to you then?"

"You killed my friend, my brother!"

"Who? I can't remember that you had a brother?"

"It was Maul you stupid ass. He was like a brother to me, learning me a lot, maybe more than master Dooku. And you just happened to be the man who took his life."

"I didn't mean to Y/N! He didn't exactly gave me any choice, and to add to that, he tried to kill me first? He killed my master, so tell me, how am I exactly the bad guy in this?"

"You think you are such a saint, do you Obi-Wan? You made me bleed a second kyber crystal in just less than 5 seconds. I need to thank you for that actually. It was my breaking point, got into dual wielding and I got my free card to go out on the field."

"Wait, are you who I think you are?"

"What do you think Kenobi, I'm really curious now." You leaned forward, awaiting his answer.

"In the beginning people just called you the Jedi hunter, until they started to notice you were a woman behind your face mask."

"Go on, say it darling, say it."

"Are you the praying Mantis?"

Y/N just leaned back and smirked.

Praying Mantis (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now