Chapter 33: Words Are Unnecessary

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Y/N was pacing around in her room. She had loads of questions that wandered her mind. For example, why didn't Obi-Wan tell her anything? It was clear that he knew more, but the only thing he asked her was about when she would retrieve her own.

But it wasn't important anymore. She needed to pack up and leave. It made her feel slightly sad, she started to get accustomed to the Jedi way and the peace it brought her. But she desperately wanted to return to her old ways. Getting her red glow back in her sabers, getting dressed in her own black tunics. The leather black booths, not to forget that they had such beautiful heels on them. 

She didn't have much to pack, she could actually just leave everything behind. So, she left the door once more, crossing the hall with a few steps to end up at Obi-Wan his room. She let her knuckles hit the door gracefully, waiting for Obi-Wan to answer. She only hoped he would be back already from his mission.

She waited for a few minutes until she let the reality come to her, he wasn't back yet. She turned 180 degrees wanting to go back to her own room, when Obi-Wan finally opened his door, he was looking at his data pad, not even bothering shifting his gaze to see who it was. Y/N nearly jumped when he was back."Obi-Wan? Do you have a moment? We need to talk, like right now." 

He looked up, walking into his apartment to place his data pad down, and walking back to the door. "Alright, say what you have to say." He leaned his right arm against the door frame, a bit annoyed that she didn't visit him earlier. He arrived literally two hours ago. And only now, when she desperately needed to talk, she knocked on his door.

"Can we talk inside? It is rather private, I mean not everyone needs to hear this." She played with her hands, not daring to look up at him. It felt unreal to her, there was a time where she nearly chocked him to death, nearly cut off his head with his own lightsaber and there were probably more things to remember but she couldn't think off it. The point was that after everything happened, she was now a nervous mess in front of him.

He sighed, but let her in. "Alright, but, before you enter, can I at least get a hug from you? I mean, I am already back for over two hours and you just happen to be away that time. Where are you always going Y/N?" 

Y/N closed the door as she got into his embrace, she took in his scent, he still smelt like the woods he was before. Small particles of ash were on top of his shoulders, which she brushed away with her hands as she separated from his hold. Obi-Wan smiled at the gesture she made, but he still felt awkward after how they left each other. Y/N made him feel so good in the library, when he wanted to ask her for putting a label on them, she was already gone. She didn't even try to contact him in any possible. 

She tried to stay away from him, and he felt like he did her wrong. But he told himself that he didn't force her in anyway for what she did. He just felt like she thought it was all a mistake once more. He liked her company, but he didn't dare to try touching her, he thought that Y/N was mad at him. That they went back to that old hate relationship when they parted ways. But he shrugged his thoughts off, "Alright little one, what is it?" 

Y/N felt her cheeks burn up when he used her old nickname again. It felt different, but she liked it. she still liked him. "Could we sit down, it's a pretty serious matter I want to discuss." Obi-Wan looked confused, but he guided her towards his couch, as they both took a seat next to each other, Y/N didn't dare to look in his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Obi-Wan pushed her again, Y/N nodded, not knowing how to handle this. "Yes, there is. I can't tell you all of it, I'm just going to give you the big details, but I need to go."

"What do you mean you need to go?" 

"It was all for show." Obi-Wan his heart started to shatter into little pieces, not knowing what she meant. 

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