Chapter 24: Beautiful Scenes

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Obi-Wan sat in his room, meditating to got rid of his thoughts. A year may have passed, but the  memories of you remained. At daytime, he knew how to control himself, suppress his thoughts and concentrate whenever he needed to do some serious work.

But when the nighttime came, he woke up most of the time, in the middle of the night. Most times he wasn't able to get himself to sleep. He needed to get rid of the thought of you, but it only became harder and harder.

At some nights, his dreams were so loud, but easily confused with a nightmare. Which worked in his advance. Anakin, his padawan, was the one to find him most of the nights tossing and turning in his bed.

Anakin thought it was because of the last time on Geonosis. Obi-Wan never the liked the planet, the first time when Anakin needed to rescue him, he felt like he messed up. Like he failed to protect his padawan and at that time, Padme too.

But the second time, he got himself once more in danger, bringing Anakin also in danger, but he brought you in a critical situation. He thought that due to your decision, he meant something too in your eyes. He always thought so.

It pained him to remind himself the time he kissed you, to feel the hurt, to feel his heart shatter into a million pieces when you only stood there, not returning it. Only asking what he did. If he could turn back time, he would. Would he?

The knocking on his door made him look up, but not yet standing up. He remained on his spot on the floor, feeling comfortable with the hard and rather cold floor. His room was dark, giving outsiders the feeling no one was there. 

Another knock was made. Still, Obi-Wan didn't move, hoping that the one who knocked, would get the message that he didn't want to be disturbed. He sighed when the person, standing on the other side of the door, didn't get the message.

Obi-Wan used the force to open the door, narrowing his eyes at the now visible person. Feeling less mad when he saw his padawan standing there. He didn't get the message often and if he did? He didn't listen.

"What is it Anakin?" Obi-Wan remained in his spot, closing his eyes once more to concentrate. Trying to get his mind less occupied when he wanted to go to sleep. "Master Obi-Wan, I just wanted to talk to you." He stood in the door frame, waiting for Obi-Wan to fully invite him in.

"Alright then, get in Anakin." And so the young Jedi did, he walked in, closing the door softly while taking place in front of him in the floor. "The council is a bit... concerned about you." Anakin started, not daring to look in Obi-Wan his eyes.

But Obi-Wan had other ideas, searching his padawan's eyes, raising an eyebrow, telling him to explain what he meant with concerned.

"They think you are unfit to battle, you don't have enough sleep the last days. Something haunts your mind and they noticed." Anakin made himself ready to catch the blame. But Obi-Wan was first.

"How?" It sounded like he was mumbling to himself, but Anakin noticed the question in his eyes when they looked at each other. "Your nightmares. When I am off with Ashoka, they noticed your screams get louder."

"Of course. But I can assure you, like I am going to assure the council, that nothing is wrong." He tried, but how would he explain it? It seemed less worse that he would have nightmares. They probably want to help him get rid of it, and if he was going to be honest to himself, he wanted to let them stay.

"Are you sure?" Anakin tried again. He knew Obi-Wan was in pain, but he didn't know the reason. "Positive Anakin." Obi-Wan stated, he was sure nothing was wrong. Everything was actually great. Besides some little details of how he was turned down. 

But he still had his hopes up, he was certain of what could happen. He felt like his 'beautiful scenes' were a message to tell him, he was right.

"Alright then, I'll leave you then to it. Good night master Kenobi." Anakin stood up, and left. But not without taking one last look at his master. Obi-Wan on the other hand, got back to meditating before he would get into bed.

"What?" Obi-Wan asked confused, feeling his heart beating faster. You took a step closer, chests almost touching, but your hand caught the collar of Obi-Wan his tunic, pulling him fully into you.

"I said, kiss me." You leaned in closer, making Obi-Wan shiver, he didn't know what made you change your mind. "But-" ,"Just close your eyes Obi-Wan, and kiss me." You whispered against his lips, loosing your grip on his clothes. 

Obi-Wan didn't need another word and took your face in his hands, colliding your lips with his.  You pulled away after that one kiss, catching your breath as he did the same. He looked at your lips, back to your eyes and moving them once more to your lips. "You have no idea, how much I want you right now Y/N." He slowly pushed you against the nearby wall.

"What are you waiting for?" With that, Obi-Wan took hold of your hips, moving his hands to your ass as he kissed you once more, more rough and with more passion. Grinding into you without second thought, giving your legs a small tap, hinting for you to jump.

His mouth went for your neck, licking and biting their way back to your lips, pushing his boner into your core, making you let out a moan. Your hands got caught in his hair, tugging on it while he made you weak with just his light touches. "I need you Obi-Wan." You whimpered softly.

"Master Kenobi?" Anakin shook the older man awake as Yoda stood beside him. Obi-Wan got back into reality, groaning when he realized what just happened. Once more, you haunted his dreams but it seemed like he didn't make a sound, not yet at least. "Wha- Is there something wrong?" He asked as he looked at Anakin. He jumped a bit as he saw Yoda standing there, waiting for Obi-Wan to gain composure.

"Master Yoda? I don't want to sound rude, but what are you both doing here in the middle of the night?" Obi-Wan sat up straight, feeling pain in his back, he only just noticed he was still laying on the ground. He didn't even get into bed, he was so tired that he drifted off into a deep slumber while meditating.

"Rather suspicious message, you got." Yoda spoke up, but Anakin, being the impatient man he was told Obi-Wan the rest. "Y/N, you know The Praying Mantis, she asked you to talk, in private. No strings attached, so no droids or other sith. This is the perfect chance to trap her!" 

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin before shifting his gaze back to Yoda. "Is that what we are going to do? Is the council going to use me as bait?" 

Only for Anakin and Yoda to nod their heads yes.

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